Deviance & Social Control

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Deviance & Social Control

Deviance and Social Control


Informal measures are those that are not institutionalized, as the media, education, moral standards, etc, which does not have a formalized through written rules or laws. Are more important than formal because they transmit habits, norms and values ??determined. The police system is an example: a mechanism of informal social control that is derived from the state. It began after the French Revolution controlling the legislative level. Their skills ensure excessive power of the state, but is a State with a capacity of punishment and repression against citizens because those who control or have to undergo the rest. Its main function is to maintain law and order. From the year 80 (twentieth century), there is public safety. As a political event, add a monitoring role (repressor against events) leading to the interventionist state. Links to the urban transformation of cities (large avenues allow the passage of the army with horses). This repression function is added safeguard: first prevention and care functions of the population. The fundamental paradox is that the police is preventive and repressive simultaneously, since the policeman is there to help you too can stop.


Psychosocial theories emphasize the variables that emerge as a result of interactions of the individual with other members of society. Some theorists suggest that the deviation is a product of personal failure to develop adequate internal controls during the socialization process. Having no internal controls, the person is not able to prevent their involvement in deviant behavior. Another aspect that includes psychosocial explanation is imitation and role modeling or behavior. The social learning theory developed by Albert Bandura states that children mimic behavior they observe diverted from their parents or the media level and apply it in everyday behavior. Edwin Sutherland developed the theory of differential association in which ...
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