Discipline And Grievance

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Discipline and Grievance

Discipline and Grievance


During the course of the previous two decades, the high-performance work systems which are also innovative have been the cause of producing considerable improvements in the quality of organizational effectiveness and working life. However, even though the literature of organizational development is full of different analyses of such initiatives, the literature does not cater to in detail with the issue of management of disciplinary problems and employees' performance while considering the high-performance systems which are new (Armstrong, & Baron, 2005, pp. 22). It is important to devise a detailed guide for the development of a new approach to resolving and diagnosing problems of discipline and performance. It is also pertinent that methods are applied in order to avoid the ferocious adversarial cycle of punitive methods that are traditional. Apart from that, the management and labour of the organizations should be encouraged to collaborate when it comes to devising responsible solutions that will prove to be beneficial for the employees and the organization as a whole (Armstrong, & Baron, 2005, pp. 38).

Discipline Handling

The Work Foundation is a British organisation and strictly follows the rules and regulations given in the ACAS Code on Discipline and Grievance Procedures (Work Foundation, 2010, pp.n.d). For handling discipline, the company first looks to seek informal action wherever it deems it possible. In order to take formal action, it is necessary that facts are established, the employee is notified in writing, and a meeting is kept where the employee is allowed to be accompanied by his supporters (Acas, 2012, pp. 5). Then, a decision is made to take the required action and the employee is informed about it. A penalty might not be imposed, and firstly, a written note is given as a warning or for improvement. Then, a final warming may be given in written form, but if it fails, the company might decide to dismiss the employee or impose another sanction. The employee is given an opportunity to appeal, and then an employee might either be dismissed or conduct and performance may improve which would result in completion of action (Acas, 2012, pp. 5).

Grievance Handling

Work Foundation follows the ACAS Code on Discipline and Grievance Procedures for handling grievances as well. Firstly, it is aimed to resolve the grievances in an informal manner, as a quite word might all be all that is required (Acas, 2012, pp. 6). If the informal manner is not deemed appropriate, then the employee is supposed to let the company know about the grievance in writing. A meeting might be arranged to discuss the grievance and the employee is allowed to be accompanied during the meeting. A suitable action is decided to be taken and the employee can appeal if he is not satisfied, and the appeal is dealt with impartially by a manager who was possibly not involved before. Mediation is also considered during a stage of dispute, and thus they need to be trained in order to handle grievances effectively (Acas, ...
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