Discuss How Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778)

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Discuss how Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778)

Discuss how Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778)

Jean-Jacques Rousseau (Geneva, 28 June 1712 - Ermenonville, 2 July 1778) was a major philosopher, writer, and composer of the eighteenth-century Enlightenment, whose political philosophy influenced the French Revolution and the development of modern political and educational thought. Rousseau's profound insight can be found in almost every trace of modern philosophy today. Somewhat complicated and ambiguous, Rousseau's general philosophy tried to grasp an emotional and passionate side of man which he felt was left out of most previous philosophical thinking. This comment was said about Rousseau because of his way of thinking being so rebellious.


1. Apply educational terms to a range of educational issues

Humans classify uncivilized behavior and civilized behavior in a certain matter. According to the dictionary civilized means to improve in education and manners. To be uncivilized would just mean the opposite of civilized, which is to act improper and not well mannered. A scenario of being civilized is when you go to a restaurant and use proper etiquette. Meaning that you'll not eat with your hands and you won't eat like a pig. Another scenario can be when your in the subway and you bump into someone you say sorry, or when there's a lot of people you say excuse me and you don't just push your way through. You can also say thank you when someone holds the doors for you, and say please when you want someone to move over a seat.

A scenario of being uncivilized is when your in a restaurant and you eat with your hand and you don't use proper table manners. Another scenario of being uncivilized is when your in a subway and your real loud, and your running around. When you don't show manners such as thank you and please this can also be considered uncivilized. Primitive man went from an uncivilized being to a civilized person of today. Rousseau explains to us how man had to face the obstacle of transforming from an uncivilized person to a civilized one, but they also had to face other obstacles(Cranston, 1983, pp.54).

In this document Rousseau explains to us that during primitive times, man faced many obstacles and challenges. One of many obstacles was learning to adapt to his environment . Man had to learn how to use his surroundings to make a living. For example man had to learn how to create fire. Without fire man wouldn't have been able to heat up food and they wouldn't have been able to keep warm during the harsh winters, thus causing man to perish. Another obstacle man faced was communication.

2. Evaluate key theories of education

Rousseau's theory of the General Will seeks to create a "public person", rather a society where all individuals are members of one body to create laws that serve everyone's good equally. The idea consists of basically giving oneself without reservation to the community which enables one to retain his freedom and ...
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