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According to psychologists, Divorce is a stressful situation, threatening the mental equilibrium of one or both partners, and especially children. The situation of divorce in the family causes significant harm to the mental health of both partners and their children, for which there cannot be divorced from either the father or mother. Parents can not be strangers for the children's. It is dissolution of marriage, in which the consent of both the partners generally exists. Marriage is not only be terminated or dissoluted by the decision of the spouses, but it is also terminated by law. In particular, if one spouse has died or declared dead by a court, then the marriage is terminated. Many believe that divorce occurs more frequently in the modern United States as compared with other societies (Amato 2001). However, anthropologists have reported comparable rates of separation and remarriage among hunting and gathering societies and other groups to those in modern-day industrial societies. For example, the highest rates of divorce ever recorded in the first half of the 20th century were in Malaysia and Indonesia, which surpassed the U.S. record rates of 1981.

Depending on the society, ease of divorce varies. Marriage is much easier to dissolve in societies where marriage is more of an individual affair. In other societies, where marriage represents a political and social union between families and communities, divorce is more difficult. Considerable bride wealth and replacement marriages work to preserve group alliances and thus decrease divorce rates. A wife among the Shoshone Indians could divorce her husband by merely placing her husband's possessions outside the dwelling, which was considered her property. Divorce is official among the Cewa of East Africa when the husband leaves his wife's village taking along his hoe, axe, and sleeping mat. In the traditional society of Japan, a ...
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