Divorce Rate In Usa

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Divorce rate in USA

Divorce rate in USA


For the past few years, the divorce rate in America has been rising. In some cities, divorce in America is increasing at a rapid pace. This is an unfortunate statistics but they are true. However, the concern is about the high rate of divorce in USA which should be taken seriously by society. There are several reasons for the rising divorce rate in America.


Marriage is found in virtually all societies, and the majority (some 90%) of people in every society get married at least once in their lifetime (Carroll & Wolpe, 1996; Ember, Ember, & Peregrine, 2006). Cultures vary with regard to what is considered appropriate premarital behavior, whom one marries, how one marries, a proper marriage ceremony, and length and purpose of the marriage. Each culture also defines marriage differently although there are some common criteria across many societies. Marriage is typically defined simply as a “socially approved sexual and economic union, usually between a woman and a man” (Ember et al., 2006, p. 343), which is generally denoted symbolically in some way (e.g., ceremony, certificate, symbols-rings). Normally, there are reciprocal rights and obligations between the two spouses and their future children. Viewing marriage as a social process where new relationships are set up between the kin of both the husband and the wife essentially describes all forms of marriage. With this, marriage maintains social patterns through the production of offspring.

Divorce issues

One of the social issues that is gaining momentum slowly and steadily and poses a threat to any society is the ever increasing divorce rates. The American society in particular is faced with rapidly growing divorce rates. The reasons for this act given by couples may be justified to some extent but the fact of the matter stays that this practice may affect the mental and emotional stability of the future generations and impact the way they deal with different relationships.

The seriousness of this issue can be judged by the fact that the divorce rate has already surpassed 50% according to specialists (Levinger, Cherlin). The rate of divorce varies in each society and depends on the religion and religious beliefs, economic conditions, the overall bonding of the partners etc.

The duration of the marriage also plays an important role as couples who have been married for a longer time have a lesser probability of ending up into a divorce.

Children play a major role in a marriage and a divorce has the greatest impact on them only. Couples, when going for divorce specially take into consideration their children's welfare.

For instance, if a couple has a baby seven months or more after marriage it will decrease its chances to divorce by 24% (Levinger 1999). Children belonging to a broken family have problems communicating and get affected psychologically.

Many believe that divorce occurs more frequently in the modern United States as compared with other societies. However, anthropologists have reported comparable rates of separation and remarriage among hunting and gathering societies and other groups to those ...