Do Facial Expressions Act Merely As Signals Of Underlying Emotions, Or Are They More Complex Than This?

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Do Facial Expressions Act Merely As Signals Of Underlying Emotions, Or Are They More Complex Than This?

Do Facial Expressions Act Merely As Signals Of Underlying Emotions, Or Are They More Complex Than This?


If people do not communicate verbally, the body speaks its own. It is never silent, and then also shares with the signals of the self-absorption, with the shield, at the time that we as contacts are undesirable. The impression made by the body language is often very powerful words and have it hard to deny it. Truly, non verbal cues, are more important than you think and display what you are thinking and feeling on the inside without uttering a word. They are not expressed in words, but they create a big impact by just a simple gesture, facial expression or even by just clothing yourself. Learn to reprogram your body language so that you no longer appear nervous, but confident and relaxed. You will be sure to notice positive changes in your interpersonal interactions when you employ non verbal communication, as well. Human being is the most versatile being in the world (Leeland, 2008). He/she has the ability to share his/her internal feeling with others. He has a rich and flexible device serving many different expressions. Facial expression is one of them. It is the movement seen in the human face which can be revealed as nonverbal communication. It makes the human behavior more understandable and more predictable which aids to strengthen the communication skills of humans.

The human being is an emotional body. He has the ability to express emotions. The facial expression gives the overall measure of human emotions and feelings. He is co-related with human psychology. The facial expression may indicate anger, disgust, fear, joy, sadness and surprise. For example, we see the anger in the face of a student when it's punishment, even if it does not speak. Thus, facial expression acts as a transmitter between human emotions. In other words, facial expression in humans may help to understand his / her inner state. Facial expression is one aspect of non-verbal body language which plays a vital role in human messages (Kehoe, 2011). The facial expressions are thus a means of communication or not voluntary. Today, several theories attempt to define what its true nature.

Significance of Facial Expressions

Facial expression may also play a vital role in building and maintaining relationships. It acts as a vital tool in the transmission of nonverbal communication. Facial expression is an indicator of our state of mind as well. Many other animals show the facial expression as well. But these expressions are very largely developed in humans. Although humans have strong verbal communication, facial expression serves as a commentator. Facial expression is a means of nonverbal communication that is used in conjunction with verbal communication and the moments of the negotiations, problem solving, problem solving and persuasion. The study and research on facial expression shows that facial expressions differ from one culture to ...
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