Does Fate Control Our Actions Or Does Man Based On Macbeth

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Does Fate Control Our Actions Or Does Man Based On Macbeth


This paper discusses that whether the actions of men is controlled by fate or it is controlled by Macbeth. The men always is in control of some thoughts that guides him to what to do and what not to do but these thoughts come in the mind as there is some fortune behind it. Due to these thoughts men could do anything whether it is moral or immoral. Same was in the case of Macbeth, which was misguided by three witches.

Discussion and Analysis

Macbeth is a character of William Shakespeare play, The Tragedy of Macbeth. The actions of men are influenced by both fate and an individual's decisions and it play a part in what will eventually happen. The fate of men is not in his hands but the decision of men takes him towards the role or attitudes that show his character.

The Character of Macbeth

Macbeth is a Scottish general who is led to wicked and forecasted thoughts of three witches. Macbeth is a courageous soldier, but he is not a virtuous man. This is evident after he receives his final insight that he will become King of Cawdor. These prophesies lead Macbeth into a destructive path which ultimately destroys who he is. Macbeth has three predominant attributes which further took him in this destructive path, the three attribute are bravery, ambition, and self doubt struggle for power. This behavior of Macbeth can be seen when Macbeth goes to the witches to learn his fate. To him their portend was two sided. The witches tell him to be disbelieving of Macduff as if Macduff may hurt him but they also tell him that no one can do anything against him. Their whole prophesies is ambiguous. If no man may hurt Macbeth then why should he is afraid of Macduff? Macbeth can see that both sides of the forecast contradict one another, so in the end he decides to go ahead and kill Macduff. By taking the decision to kill Macduff, Macbeth is ensuring that he will never hurt him. This is almost the case that the Macbeth is only focusing on the half part of prophesy that counsel him not to trust Macduff. And fully trusting the part of the forecast that no man born from a women's womb will ever hurt him (Byard pp. 113-121).

The decision of killing Macduff is the action of an individual taking control and deciding his own actions even when they conflict with what his decided fate is. Here the question is did Macbeth really need to kill Macduff? His fate had already resolute that no ordinary born man would ever hurt him. Maybe the other side of the forecast was just saying to have a close eye on Macduff and may be Macduff would have only caused Macbeth negligible problems in the upcoming future and not those happenings that cause danger to his life (Brewer pp. 513-617).

MacBeth is considered to be one of Shakespeare's ...
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