Dyspraxia In Pre-School Children

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Dyspraxia in Pre-School Children

“Dyspraxia in Pre-school children”

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“Dyspraxia in Pre-school children”


Dyspraxia is a disease that affects cognitive processes for planning, executing and automate and learned voluntary movements performed in a purpose of interaction with the environment.

Specific Learning Difficulties


Dyspraxia is also known as "clumsy child syndrome," because sufferers typically have some clumsiness and slowness to perform coordinated movements such as speaking, cut with scissors, writing, buttoning, tying shoes, etc. It is also known as motor dysfunction, disruption of coordination of development or motor-perceptual difficulties.


A children having dyspraxia, face problems with coordination and development. It is called as “motor learning disability.” Children suffering from this disorder find troubles in executing the activities and actions in coordinated and straightforward style. Dyspraxia usually occur with lingual problems and at times on the level of difficulty with understanding and belief (Stephenson, 2005, 34). This disease does not have an impact on the child's intelligence, but it can be the cause of creating problems in learning significantly. And that is why, it is known as DCD- developmental coordination disorder and dyspraxia, motor learning difficulties and perceptuo-motor dysfunction. The terminologies of 'clumsy child syndrome' or 'minimal brain damage' are no longer in use.

The developmental dyspraxia does not control the movements. The information is not processed by the brain in a way that permits the diffusion of nerve messages completely. Children with dyspraxia, finds difficulty in planning how to do and what to do. Researchers and experts revealed that approximately 10% of people have some level of dysfunction, whereas almost 2% to be so strongly. Four out of every 5 children who suffer from dyspraxia and clear are boys. If the class was on average between 30 children, maybe there is one child with dyspraxia in almost all seasons45 (Wilson, 2002, 23).

Learning Difficulties

Dyspraxia is still a special place among the specific disorders learning: the apparent paradox is that it is a cognitive disorder, but expressed in fine motor skills, movement, body control, are symptoms primarily "Drivers" that affect the essential academic learning such as graphics, writing, geometry and therefore, there is no paralysis or weakness of your hand. In addition, the evolution of ideas and the wealth of recent debates reveal a great complexity and even confusion in the concepts discussed. Recall definitions "official" supplemented by complementary theoretical perspectives is useful before addressing the diagnostic and therapeutic implications.

Disorder Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a neurological disorder that makes it difficult to control the flow of information from the brain. For these children, all information is equally important. They fail to give priority to one or the other. It's like changing the TV channel every 10 seconds and remembers thinking something (Portwood, 1999, 38). Children with this disorder may be hyperactive or not. The hyperactive child is agitated, no matter the situation or location. Without hyperactivity, it seems the moon and is unable to concentrate. It does not bother the group.

It affects, 5% to 10% of school going children. According to Aegis Royer, professor, department of educational studies ...
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