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Choosing the right career is often one of the most difficult tasks for an individual. One has to consider the interest of an individual and the required needs of the market, to choose a specific career, so the individual could excel in the chosen career. Modern Careers differ significantly from past careers as it requires an individual to be good at multitasking, as the individual will require to perform various tasks within an organization. It also requires an individual to acquire a vast amount of knowledge not only in the specialized subject, but also in different fields that differentiate the individual from others.

Selecting an appropriate career requires an individual to think about various aspects including interest in the subject, the market of the career and the kind of work individual will be conducting.

I choose finance as my majors, as I want to work as an investment advisor/research analyst as it requires a very good understanding of economics and finance. Moreover, I choose this career path as the field interest me, as I have always been good with research and data analysis. Moreover, it will offer me excellent career opportunities in terms of employment that propelled me to choose this career. It is important for a finance graduate to be good at research. The candidate must have a habit of reading various magazines articles that will ensure that the candidate acquires vast information related to the career. Analyzing these attributes, I think I could be well suited for such a career (Sloane P J and O'Leary N C, 2004, pp. 50-57).

Labor Market

Labor Market is in very difficult conditions these days as Organizations are firing employees, and the unemployment rate is continuously increasing. The labor market in the UK felt the painful effects of the economic crisis. It is estimated that, from the beginning of the recession, the number of jobs fell from 652 thousand in June 2008 to 430 thousand in September 2009. The employment rate for the period from July to September 2009 is 72.5% and decreased by 0.1% compared to the previous quarter. However, recently there was a slight increase in the number of people employed, which currently stands at 28.93 million. This is the first such increase since the beginning of the crisis, i.e from mid-2008. Analyzing trends with regard to employment it is worth mentioning that decreased by 80 thousand. Number of persons employed full time is around 21.26 million people approximately. Number of workers employed as part-time workers increased by 86%, which results from the fact that the companies failed to find people who work full time at low wages (Sumichrast & Sumichrast, 2004, pp. 145-152).

It poses a tough challenge for not only organizations on how to manage the problem of unemployment, but also how students and graduate deal with it. Similarly, it is a big issue for me, as it is not easy to find a suitable job of one's ...
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