Education Theory

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Education Theory

Education Theory


In general, the object of educational theory is to provide instruction in the light of the year, if possible, and the status of each person, and sent on their freedom and happiness. Every citizen needs in terms of status and occupation of his life. For the average citizen, who belonged to the working class and the basic level of primary education, it would be enough. For those citizens who gave evidence of belonging to a class to learn, however, lies in education as a basis for further study.


Aims and objectives of educational theory to give every citizen the information he needs for his own business, so that he can rely on themselves to express and maintain their own ideas, contracts and invoices, in writing, to improved by reading, his morals and faculties (Duffy, 2004). To know their rights, in order to carry out and prosecute those it retains, to choose with discretion in the fiduciary of those delegates, and to notice their conduct with diligence, with candor, and a judicial decision. And, in general, to observe with intelligence and faithfulness all the social relations under which he should be placed (Beard and Hartley, 1984).


Training took place in shaping human decisions based on what have come together concerning the past experiences, thoughts, facts, which stuck to his memory, in the case of the notes in the records, going back to the original source once more. The approach to understanding all of the intelligible world, the natural and human, and each in relation to each other, it was encyclopedic in its original sense of the word, i.e. it aims at the creation of all-inclusive knowledge of the facts related to each other in the continuum of the natural history of life (Beard and Hartley, 1984).


Education, a common definition of ...
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