Effect Of Character Education

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The Effect of Character Education Intervention of Respect on Fourth Grade Reading Achievement

Preliminary study title: The Effect of Character Education Intervention of Respect on Fourth Grade Reading Achievement

Description of problem or area of inquiry and relation to scholarship

This study discusses the importance of Character Education Intervention in Fourth Grade to prevent difficulties in reading, which are an essential foundation for academic achievement and positive social interaction. Children's character was built through the use of moralistic storytelling, parental role modeling as well as providing optimistic support when children made the right choices. Character education allows students to come face to face with the reality of life. Encourages students to develop critical thinking and so can act responsibly.

Today, all the responsibility for teaching our children right from wrong rests only on parents. Unfortunately, in these troubled times that may not be sufficient. On a routine basis, children are being attacked with contradictory messages from many outside sources: from violent video games and movies to rap music support the use of alcohol and drugs and even gang membership. As a result, it is difficult to understanding and among them to stay on the right way. It requires our stable care and loving direction to keep them heading in the right path. (Benninga, Berkowitz, Kuehn, and Smith, 2006)

With this in mind, Secretary of Education Rod Paige said,

Sadly, we live in a culture with limited figures of role models, where millions of students are taught with limited focus on ethics and values. This culture of cruelty has led to a surprising achievement gap, poor health class, obese students, offense, violence, teenage pregnancy, and tobacco and alcoholabuse. We have to remind our students a lesson taught in ancient Greece: the character of the person is the main invention of education. Good character is the invention of good decision made every day. (U.S. Department of Education, 2004, p 1)

Character education impacts students in our district, specifically one elementary school with approximately 400 students, who demonstrate an attitude of non-caring for themselves and others. Fourth grade has been chosen because it is the grade that has one more year in the elementary setting and it has the largest amount of students who need to have a change in character to help with academic achievement as shown by the Alabama Reading and Math Test (ARMT).

The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact that the character education component of respect has on academic achievement in reading for fourth graders. Character education is the development of knowledge, expertise and thoughts that allow students to make responsible decisions and motivation. It involves a shared educational commitment that highlight the responsibilities and rewards of a productive life in a diverse global society.

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In The United States the Increase in high-stakes Testing of Student Achievement Has Coincided with the Increased Character Education Programs. Schools are asked to add The No Child Left behind Act ...
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