Effects Of Culture Shock On International Workers

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Effects of Culture Shock on International Workers

Effects of Culture Shock on International Workers


The workforce has become more multicultural as a result of globalization as well. Chinese Companies integrate groups of businesses around the world through strategic alliances, mergers and acquisitions. Organizations are a mix of people from different cultural backgrounds who have to understand each other, interact on a daily base and often work in more than one country. Understanding cultural diversity, as well as the need to communicate effectively across cultural divides has become imperative if we are to compete effectively in the global marketplace. Culture shock is the main problem which is face by foreign workers in an international organization (Paul, 2009).

Cultural diversity can also be a source of strength if managed well. Cultural diversity within a group of people in society and organizations may complement each other and become an advantage. Often, cultural diversity is not the not the source of corporate strength but create internal conflict and becomes a shock to its stakeholders (employees, owners, surrounding society, government and others) (Emadi.et.al, 2006).



Culture can be understood as the traditions, customs, beliefs, values, norms, and perspectives that are learned through shared behavioral patterns and cultural practices passed down from generation to generation. Culture is learned implicitly, though it is the foundation for meanings we attribute to our perceptions and it influences how we describe events. At its most fundamental level, culture is reflected in the attitudes and behaviors that characterize a group of people who share implicit norms and rules. Unpacking these implicit norms and rules can be accomplished by investigating the primary components of culture: code, communication, and community (Paul, 2009).

Culture Shock

Culture shock as the anxiety and frustration resulting from the inability to interpret and create meaningful communication cues in a new culture. Culture shock may be the result of a temporary (or permanent) social or geographic change, such as study abroad; international business; military deployment; diplomatic, mission, or volunteer worker trip; or even a domestic move to a new region. People who engage in these types of relocations are called sojourners. Depending on the type of relocation, culture shock has also been labeled transition shock, academic shock, and social shock. The resulting loss of familiar signs and symbols can lead to identity conflict, disorientation, cultural misunderstandings, interpersonal conflict, and feelings of powerlessness. Culture shock is greater to the extent that a person's values, beliefs, customs, and behaviors differ from those of the new culture.

A Culture effects on International worker

As is known, the world is becoming nowadays a global village, in the sense that the technological achievements of this modern time have brought people closer together. This also means that people from different parts of the world and with different cultural backgrounds are working and communicating together. This fact is in a way interesting, but dealing with people from different cultures requires knowing the cultural diversities; for instance the way we deal with them, what we say and what we should avoid saying, how to communicate ...
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