Employee Behavior And Organizational Performance

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Employee Behavior and Organizational Performance

Employee Behavior and Organizational Performance


Organizations are experiencing revolutionary and unprecedented change. Organizations are continuously facing shifts in demands like from speed of decision making to global competitive and technological pressures. In return to these changes organizations need to respond effectively, transform themselves and remain flexible for the new world of work. In past organizations were considered as a way of achieve competitiveness and profit on the basis of a division horizontal and vertical work decisions, where there was someone in the higher levels than was thought and others who were the automatons that were paid to do what they were told and nothing more. This was the linear organization structure (Simon, 1997). Today, the concept of organization has changed and has shifted from linear thinking to systems thinking, where structures cannot be seen as isolated entities, in this sense, we can say that the organization is a system of relations between individuals through which people, under the command of managers, pursue common goals. These goals are the result of planning and processes decisions where targets are created based on the ability to learn with employees knowing that relevance charged organizations by leveraging the enthusiasm and staff learning ability they possess. Thus, today it is essential to know about human behavior in the organizations.

Every organization is a social system, it is the expression of a reality: political, cultural, economic, where diverse approaches coexist should be structured in harmony to ensure a dynamic balance and which involves a mass of people that intersects a particularly when performing activities and functions assigned to it employees. Any attempt to understand why people behave the way they do in organizations requires some degree of understanding. Managers employ a considerable time evaluating the fit between individuals, the responsibilities of the office and effectiveness. The organizations set standards and strategies to produce best results, so they are considered as elements or entities that manage resources, programs, projects, services and activities (Griffin, 2005). They are made by people, whose behavior and performance depend to a large extent the success and therefore need to focus on human resources as the most valuable of the organization, since individuals are intelligent beings with creativity, critical thought and feeling and should not be considered like machines. Thus for managers to effectively manage and produced produce desire results, in this paper I shall be focusing the impact of employee behavior on organizational performance.

Thesis Statement

Employees are considered as an important source and backbone of an organization. So if an organization wants to achieve its objective, gain competitive advantage, and increase its performance then behavior of employees has to be managed well in the organization. Good employee behavior will help organizations in achieving its objectives. Positive thinking of employees towards organization helps employee and their stakeholders to understand norms, values, strategies, procedures, key areas to concentrate. Good behavior helps employees to achieve high profitability, high probability to stay and loyalty in the organization. There is positive relationship between good employee ...
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