Employee Motivation At Magnolia Software name Of The Recipient

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Employee Motivation at Magnolia Software

[Name of the Recipient]

Table of Contents

Executive Summay3


Aims And Objectives4


The Concept of Motivation4

Theories of Motivation5

Methods of Research7


Employee Motivational Factors7





Personal Satisfaction9

The Role of Job in Employee Satisfaction10

Role of Managers in Employee Motivation11

Relationship between Employee Motivation and Organizational Effectiveness12

Common Practices of Employee Motivation13




Executive Summay

In this research proposal, we have raised the issue of employee motivation at workplace. In this regard, we have targeted the Magnolia Software Company. The basic aim of this research is to address the issues and motivational factors of employees at organization. With respect to the subject, we have consulted the basic theories of motivation like Maslow Hierarchy of Needs, Herzberg's Two Factor Theory to identify the motivational factors at job. In addition, we have also highlighted the importance of Process and Cognitive Theories to determine individuals's behaviors and interests. We have researched both primary and secondary research journals of motivational studies amongst employees for this paper. Our discussion is revolving around the common motivational factors found amongst employees at all levels, which are compensation, security, self satisfaction, recognition and growth. We have also discussed the impact of managerial styles and organizational culture on employee's motivation level. In addition, we have stated the common practices of motivating employees at work across global companies. On the basis of this research, we have concluded certain recommendations with respect to the culture and operations of Magnolia Software Company.Employee Motivation at Magnolia Software


Aims And Objectives

The primary aim of this research proposal is to address the issue of Employee motivation at Magnolia Software. In this regard, senior management is required to take a look into it, and consider the following raised questions in company, which are stated as follow:

What are the factors that are beneficial in boosting Employee's motivation?

Why company requires motivated employees?

What Magnolia can do to motivate its employess?

What is the relationship between employee motivation and performance at work?

What is the role of leaders and senior managers in motivating employees at work?

How Organizationsl culture and Job nature impacts employees' satisfaction?

Why other companies are a step ahead of Magnolia?

What is the secret of success with respect to Human Resource in Technology oriented Companies?


The Concept of Motivation

The word motivation has originated from a latin word “movere” which means to move. The typical definition of motivation states that it is a process that helps in arising, energizing, directing and satisfying an aim-oriented behavior and good performance. It is a result of the combination of external and internal factors that cause a certain work oriented behavior in favor of company (Lathans. 1998. p. 36). The common facts about human beings are that motivation is a factor that is already built in our systems, it is just required to be aroused and activated. Motivation has a temporary duration, it does not stay for a longer period of time that's why managers and leaders are required to nourish and sustain motivational levels in employees after a certain time period on regular basis. Motivational employees are the key asset to a company, managers should utilize the managerial ...
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