Endangered Species

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In this study attempts to explore the endangered species of Africa and determines possible ways to prevent them from getting extinct. The many organizations currently working to protect the endangered species are discussed and the measures undertaken by them to ensure that these animals breed are highlighted. The endangered animal species of Africa are discussed excluding all other animals and plants. Furthermore, the causes and consequences of these animals to become endangered are discussed.

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Many animals have become endangered and some are on the edge of extinction. Most of these animals are now endangered due to excessive hunting, destruction of their habitat or by other natural upsets caused by man. Although there are many organizations working to protect these animals, which include the World Wildlife Federation (WWF), National Wildlife Federation (NWF) and Wildlife Conservation Society, yet the list of endangered species keeps growing in number. (Wilson & Reeder, 1993; Kingdon, 1997)

Endangered Species

The list of endangered species not only includes animals, birds and fishes, but it also accommodates many plant life including trees and flowers. However, most African animals are endangered with many other species entering the list of endangered speeches at an increased pace. (IEA, 1998; IUCN List; Wilson & Reeder, 1993)

African Wild Ass

African Wild Asses are one of the most endangered species of Africa. These animals, thought to be the ancestors of domestic donkeys, live in the far east of Africa. Their habitat is most of the rocky area of the Far East Africa where they roam around in the wild. They live in an arid climate can survive with very little water for days. African Wild Asses have been hunted for fur and is on the verge of becoming extinct. It is considered as critically endangered by the IUCN. (Wilson & Reeder, 1993; IUCN List)

Habitat: Rocky area of Far-east Africa

Predators: Man

Endangered since: 1996


Addax, which resemble oryx a lot, were found from Algeria to Sudan but have become in there northern African habitats. They are only in Sahara deserts and have great ability to live without water. Addax fall prey to many animals including lions, leopards and other wild cats. Moreover, humans also hunt them for their horns. It is reported that there are less than 500 addaxes left in the wild and only about 865 in captivity. Addaxes have been extinct in Egypt since the 1900. (Kingdon, 1997)

Habitat: Sahara Desert Northern Africa

Predators: Lion, Leopards, Hyenas and Man

Endangered since: 1900

Clarke's Gazelle

Clarke's Gazelle is a little antelope with long neck and pointed head. It lives in the Eastern Ethiopia and Northern Somalia regions where thorns and shrubs are found scattered in the sandy areas. They have become endangered due to the expansion of residential areas outwards. Most of the area of Clarke's Gazelle has been lost, which has decreased the grazing area. Moreover, it falls prey to many wild cats too. The Clarke's Gazelle is classified as vulnerable by the IUCN. (Kingdon, 1997; Wilson & Reeder, 1993; IUCN List)

Habitat: Sandy Areas of Eastern Africa

Predators: Lion, Cheetah and ...
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