Energy Consumption

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Energy Consumption

Effort To Change Energy Consumption are Insignificant?


What is crucial for the success of public speakers such as Al Gore or Christopher Monckton is the performance of expertise, which includes both a credible impression of scientific competence, as well as the negotiation of trust with one's audience. Some climate bloggers have also amassed large online audiences by engaging with and critiquing climate science, and their work has had dramatic consequences for climate scientists and their institutions, despite (and partly because of) efforts to prevent such “amateurs” from accessing scientific data. Much of information related to these conflicts over the borders of climate science has come to light through a recent scandal which has become known as “Climategate” (a term I will adopt for the sake of simplicity). The revelations and accusations related to Climategate have been followed by other criticisms of individuals, institutions and texts advocating the reality of global warming. This recent wave of “climate skepticism” has frustrated longstanding efforts to affect closure in the public debate over global warming by establishing global warming as a solid fact which must be urgently addressed (Sheppard, 2010).

Such efforts to establish closure have focused on the construction of a consensus of scientific opinion, as represented by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), as well as other means of demarcating a legitimate science that excludes those who disagree with the facticity of global warming. However, climate skeptics have their own means of rhetorically demarcating science and claim the scientific, high ground of objectivity, and both sides of the debate have been active in undermining the credibility of their opponents (Shrubsole, 2010).

I have offered speculative orthodox interpretations of the global warming controversy in order to contrast them with the “science studies” view on which this analysis is based. Such a view is relativistic towards scientific facts and refrains from assigning truth or falsity to the claims of the global warming controversy (Shrubsole, 2010). Please see appendix

Thesis Statement

“Are individual efforts useless in saving energy and affecting environmental issues like global warming”?


Environmental issue has always been the social concern because the degree of ecological problems is getting increasingly severe. So some people plus scientists think the efforts that individual make are useless in better off the environment, but it would be a great change, however, government and large company take measure in combating the environmental situation. Overall, I personally think the topic is overly simplistic.

Admittedly, government and large companies have played a pivotal role in improving the environment. With the monitoring and supervision of government, laws and policy related to protection of the environment can be implemented effectively. Likewise, by the efforts those companies make, especially for the chemical corporations with factories that involve their manufacture and production in ecosystems. It would benefit the environment as a whole, though; these companies ensure the abidance of eco-friendly policy (Retrieved, 2010).

The question concerns what may appear to be the relatively simple matter of recent trends in the Earth's average temperature - specifically in the period since ...
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