Energy Policy

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Energy Policy

Renewable energy policy that is on President Obama's current agenda and I believe that federal government has to improve that area of energy policy. The energy trials faces American are critical and have been ignored for far too long. Our addiction to foreign oil doesn't just destabilise our nationwide security and wreak havoc on our natural environment it cripples our finances and strains the allowances of employed families all over America. President has a comprehensive design to invest in alternate and renewable power, end America's addiction to foreign oil, address the international weather urgent position and conceive millions of new jobs.

President furthermore called for the United States to assertion a bigger share of the renewable and effectiveness expertise markets, decrying the idea that plug-in hybrids revolving off U.S. assembly lines would run on Korean-made batteries. President documented renewable stay a little part of the U.S. power portfolio and said there is a require to talk about the function of coal and atomic power as baseload power causes, as well as household oil and gas production.

Wind is a source of solar energy that does not rely on the condition of the sky (Nelson, 101-130). Unlike fossil fuels, wind energy can be collected during storms, snow, or the night. Wind power is the alteration of wind energy into more purposeful forms, usually electricity using wind turbines, and is a form of renewable energy. Wind power is greenhouse gas extenuating, clean, abundant, infinitely renewable, domestically produced, widely distributed, and supportive of rural economies.

Wind energy moves over the Earth's surface as kinetic energy. This energy is received by the blades of a turbine, which is attached to an electrical generator that sits atop a collection tower. Collection sites consist of a single turbine, or many, constituting a wind farm. Each turbine consists of a ...
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