Environmental Analysis

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Environmental Analysis

Environmental Analysis


Being a practical lecturer at a technical university in Iraq (community health department), I teach student subjects practically in a Lab. and also in manage most of the summer training programs. Education has become the most important and the cornerstone for the transformation and construction of a country, since it corresponds to human resource training and development of creative potential of every human being to the full exercise of their personality. Therefore it is necessary the participation and joint responsibility of all stakeholders in education to who should assume responsibility and commitment to academic and administrative functions within their powers, both internally and educational organizations in the community where anchored schools.

Today, schools, school systems and higher education systems are considered formal organizations, with its hierarchical structure, a number of constituents and a board elected or regulated by the school community. The different communities organize their schools and universities in various forms. However, all school systems have the same mission, to ensure that classrooms exist in sufficient quantity and quality to promote learning experiences.

Schools must become a fulcrum for the educational and social change (Armstrong, 2006, 77). This is expected to be conformed to the changes occurring in society and family that affect children: changes in family structure, rapidly changing trends in popular culture and to the use of television, commercialism without finally, poverty, violence, child abuse, teenage girls maternity, drugs and incessant social unrest.

In response to these changes, schools should encourage a process of reflection by all members (teachers, students, representatives, staff and workers) to establish a vision of reality, not only the school but community and society. This will help to refine individual goals towards a common future, where the quality of education and therefore the quality of life are the aspirations of this organization.

The difficulties faced by schools are influenced by mental models and the type of relationships that exist in the system at all levels from student to teacher and government agencies that oversee them. If you want to improve a school system, before altering the rules, observe how they think and how individuals act collectively (Aery, 2010, 124). The members of the school must ensure that their mental models limit their ability to teach, learn, addressing the problems and propose solutions from different perspectives, listening to and respecting the opinion of each.

Near Environment Analysis

In the restructuring of educational institutions should also be emphasized the need for training of environmental educators, who in complex scenarios, changing and contradictory, they face many problems that cannot be solved by applying the rules, techniques or routine procedures, mechanical and inflexible; reasons need to develop creativity, reflective thinking and practical. In the above context, environmental education cannot be seen as an isolated subject in the curriculum, but must be integrated into all areas, ie, seen as a transverse axis (Martin and Henderson, 2001, 187). It must also take into account the customs and cultures, linked to experiential situations or coordination with other sectors ...
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