Environmental Protection Agency (Epa)

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Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)


Through extensive research and deep contemplation I have decided to report about a renowned organization known as the Environmental Protection Agency. Also known as EPA for short, this is an organization of complexity thus would require for an in depth writing. In the process of trying to execute a profound research report, I only discovered that to do such would require a year and a day worth of time; however, with the given abundant resources, I came to the realization that there were aspects of this organization that needs to be brought to attention, discussed and made accessible to everyone. This report should enable you to be more understanding of the EPA and its mission, who they are and what they do. In addition, one will be able to assess how and where it began. Finally, we will list some of EPA's accomplishments and discuss why some of them are important for the well-being of the environment.

Mission and goals of the organization

The mission of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is to protect human health and the environment. To meet these goals, EPA works with States and Tribes to implement air, water, solid waste, and chemical programs. Over 40 percent of EPA's budget consists of grants to help States assume authority for these programs, as well as finance infrastructure to clean wastewater and provide drinking water. EPA also fulfills its mission by regulating vehicle emissions and fuels and running the Superfund program, which cleans up hazardous waste sites. EPA is working to develop policies and regulations based on strong, peer-reviewed science, and to ensure that its activities are linked to public health and environmental outcomes. These two criteria will continue to help EPA find the most effective solutions to environmental issues and ensure that the benefits of its actions can be demonstrated to the taxpayers (www.epa.gov).

EPA is an organized agency whose mission is to protect human health and the environment. Employing well over 18,000 people across the country, the agency has its main headquarters in Washington D.C. To ensure that all U.S. regions are safeguarded, the organization has established 10 regional offices and more than a dozen labs across the US; all of which are located in different places. Altogether these various establishments are known by many as one agency that has been working and striving for a cleaner, safer and healthier environment for the American people (www.rand.org).

Organization Structure

EPA's organizational structure mirrors hierarchical organizational theory as presented by Max Weber. Weber proposed that efficient bureaucratic management rests on stable patterns of obedience in which subordinates defer to his/her superior, who in turn defer to the next ranking superior. A key aspect of this willful subordination requires that those subordinated believe in the legitimacy of the system, which derives from a rational-legal authority (www.pitt.edu). As will be shown, EPA is indeed organized into such a command structure, and legitimizes itself by adhering to its explicit mission and purpose, as well as ...
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