Epogen (Epoetin Alfa Injection)

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Epogen (Epoetin Alfa Injection)

Epogen (Epoetin Alfa Injection)


In this paper, we would discussing Anemia and the molecular biology and the use of Epogen for diseases. Anemia is a disorder caused by decreased number of red blood cells and hemoglobin decrease under the standard parameters. Rarely independently recorded in a deficiency of one of these factor (Watson & Spivak, 1988)s.

The normal ranges are very variable in each population , depending on environmental factors (height above sea level) and geography. At sea level we find values ??minimum, and at high altitude values ??should be higher (lower pressure of O2 partial forces the body to optimize its transport). Furthermore, we see variations of sex, lower values ??observed in females (possibly due to the loss of erythrocytes and blood content in each menstrual cycle). In general it can be established as normal for a man a hematocrit between 40 and 50%, hemoglobin between 13 and 18 g%, and for a woman: hematocrit between 37 and 40%, and hemoglobin between 12 and 16 g%. Symptoms and signs of anemia are correlated with the intensity, speed of installation and the site where it occurs. As for its speed of installation can be acute or chronic, the first more dramatic, as the chronicle allows a gradual adaptation. Other factors influencing the symptom picture include age, status nutritional, cardiovascular and respiratory systems (Eschbach, 1989).


The symptoms seen in acute anemia is called anemic syndrome, and include pallor, fatigue, weakness, palpitations and dyspnea. Often, especially in severe anemia observed splenomegaly, hepatomegaly, petechiae, ecchymoses, and jaundice. You can also include symptoms of other systems , such as cardiovascular (tachycardia, marked dyspnea, angina, intermittent claudication), digestive (dyspepsia, dysphagia, anorexia , diarrhea ) or neuropsychiatric (paresthesias, dizziness, depression , changes in character as irritability, bad mood). To be able to successfully treat an anemic syndrome, should be characterized, and settle their causes, and they should study in depth the characteristics of red blood cells, reticulocytes, leukocytes and platelets circulating in the blood through a blood test, checking hematocrit, and features of the hematopoietic series by a myelogram (Glaspy , Jadeja & Justice, 2002). This is not indispensable, usually a physician trained classify anemia achieved only with the syndromic picture and blood count. According to all the above factors, the anemia can be classified into different groups (Eschbach, 1989).

Often, anemia is a symptom of a disease rather than a disease itself, and usually develops due to the presence of one of these factors:

Excessive bleeding or hemorrhage

Insufficient production of red blood cells

Excessive destruction of red cells

Decreased production and excessive destruction of red blood cells

The anemia may be due to different causes and they relate very well with variations in shape and size of red blood cells (RBCs).

This size is different depending on the producing cause of anemia. The size of the GR is determined by a parameter called analytical volume (MCV) and allows to classify anemias in:

Microcytic anemia (MCV <80 fl). Iron deficiency anemia. Due to lack of iron Hemoglobinopathies: Thalassemia ...
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