Ethics And Professionalism

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Ethics and Professionalism

Ethics and Professionalism

Ethical Responsibility

The paper discusses the ethical responsibility issue of the psychology counselor keeping in view the case of Larry (a drug addict). Confidentiality issues should be discussed at the first meeting with a client and George Ciistiani (1990) distinguish two levels of confidentiality. The first level refers to the limit of professional use of information about the client the duty of every consultant - use customer information only for professional purposes. Consultant may not distribute customer information with other intentions (Shaw et al., 2004).

This concerns the fact that someone is undergoing psycho-correction. Customer information (writing consultant, customers individual cards) must be stored in a secure place of the second level of confidentiality applies to the conditions under which can be used to received the counseling information. Customer is entitled to be hoped that such information will be solely for his benefit. When it is necessary to share information received from a client with his parents, teachers, spouse, and unavoidable dilemma (Cooper, 2008).

About his intentions consultant must inform the client informed. If the client does not object, the issue of confidentiality of ethics becomes a purely professional. Consultant, providing secrecy, should acquaint the client with the circumstances under which a trade secret not respected.

Counselor's responsible

The counselor did act in a responsible manner since it is the right of the client to protect the personal information do not let others knows about the psychological issues of patients without their consent. This view can be justified by the counselor code which highlights the counselor and patient's right and responsibilities. Psychologists report that in a professional face challenges and difficulties to be resolved from the use of a technique unfamiliar signs and not ethical. These psychologists are unaware of the contents of a code of ethics and argue that ethics is in the proper use of a technique or method of psychology (Alghazo, Upton & Cioe, 2011).

The conflicts more common in the practice of psychology are in the sense of power to maintain confidentiality and in meeting the demands of users with significant conflicts. The psychologists are complaints, mostly related to some inappropriate behavior from colleagues, especially the diversity of schools or psychological currents that assumed. In the work collective, institutional or collegiate, psychologists complain about the models of organization that used to carry out their tasks. Many of these models are installed by the psychologists themselves. Complaints, rescued from the users, are in the spirit of the amount of payment made, the work incomplete or inadequate and an "emotional abuse" to the children or themselves. An analysis of this type of situation always lies the essence of a psychotherapist is human and instinctive, making it almost impossible to cover all aspects of a therapy that has nothing to do with cosmology, perception, temperament, individuality and socialization of psychologists. It is also difficult because users do not report legally for the “damage "they are committed, and psychologists cannot find a space" reliable "among psychologists themselves to raise and resolve such ...
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