European Colonial Rule And Its Subjects, 1750-1920

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European Colonial Rule and its Subjects, 1750-1920

European Colonial Rule and its Subjects, 1750-1920

Liberal Critics of Empire: Smith and Burke

Burke attack on the behavior of Britain's East India Company

Because of his opinions about the French revolution, Burke surprised many by taking a stand against East India Company and its immoral practices. Burke always seemed interested when it would come to India and the issues she was struggling with. Burke believed that the greatest hindrance between India and her flourishing future is the roots of imperialism that grew deeper and deeper. The dominating unjust rulers were one aspect of India's Imperialism. The other aspect for burke was the East India company and the arbitrary power it enjoyed. According to Burke, East India Company was not just destroying the some of the remarkable Indian traditions but also putting the Indian's people economic terms under great unpromising risks. He accused the East India Company and particularly Warren Hastings, also the previous governor general of Bengal its Governor-General, of all the huge debts on Indian economy. He also blamed the company for Nabob of Arctots Debts and the managing strategies of the reservoir system in Carnatic .

Smith's criticisms of the system of colonial trade and rule

Adam Smith, one of the most outspoken, straightforward, clear minded individual, was strongly against the imperialism in Great Britain In the 18th century. In general terms, he strongly opposed the idea of imperialism. He chooses a very calm approach and presented the costs and consequences of imperialism to the people of Britain. Smith was against the formation and establishment of the 13 colonies in Britain. Smith realized the colonial power and economic benefits for the colonies themselves. However, his disapproval was more because of the fact that supporting colonies and colonial trade ultimately means that the most exclusive trade relations and conditions with the colonies and their mother country. Smith realized the colonial power and economic benefits for the colonies themselves. He believed that it s impossible to wipe out the concept of colonialism however he did not admire the influence, economic or political, of these colonies over the state.

Comparison of the two proposed ideologies

Burke and Adam smith both are different individuals with different priorities and school of thoughts. This is obvious by the approaches the chose for themselves. Both of them never favored the idea of imperialism. However, the tone and strategies chosen by Burke were a touch more intense then Smith's. Burke gave enthusiastic speeches and very openly criticized and offended one of the huge companies, East India and a former Governor General of India at that time. Moreover, the theories and views of Burke against imperialism were more clear and were meant for a more political and social perspective. However, Smith criticism to the idea of imperialism was a little vague and absurd. Further, he discussed the idea in relevance with the economic terms and benefits, monopoly and capitalism.

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