European Union Law

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European Union law

European Union law


United Kingdom became the part of European community (European Union) in 1 January, 1973. European Union was founded in 1957, when only 6 countries became the members of European Union. These initial members were Italy, France, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands & Luxembourg. They signed the treaty at Rome at 1957. UK signed that peace treaty in the ceremony of Brussels. Because of this treaty the European laws became the UK laws. There is also a third source of English law. England and Wales are part of the United Kingdom - Member of the European Union. Consequently, the right of the EU - is part of English law. The European Union is dominated by the country (continental) law, and in this sense, the system law also exists in English law. European Union Court of Justice directs the courts of England and Wales in the interpretation of legislation. In 2001 it ruled that the German Basic Law was incompatible with the treaties, because of the ban on women to participate in military combat, and should therefore be revised. The Court of Justice shall be assisted by a chamber called the Court of First Instance of the European Union (TPI). The Court of Civil Service of the European Union, specialized training of IPT, was designed to reduce the workload of the main courtyard.


Before joining European Union, UK had their own Laws that defined the old UK legislations and ethics like any other country. After joining European Union now, the public of UK and their ethics are now a subject for European commission. Now any previous UK law is now considered as secondary for UK to follow as if it contradicts from EU law, then it will be discarded (Slapper, 2011).

There are a variety of European acts. Most important is the regulation, a law directly applicable in its entirety. Then there are guidelines that provide objectives within a certain time by the Member States, but the means are left to their discretion. A decision is an instrument that relates to a group or a specific individual and is directly applicable to the recipient. Institutions may also issue recommendations and opinions which are merely non-binding declarations.

To accomplish these acts, three procedures are possible. They change the balance of power between Parliament and the Council. The assent and opinion only give less control over legislation in Parliament, creating a more unicameral, centered on the Council. In the system of assent, Parliament may only accept or reject the proposal. The simple advice (consultation), meanwhile, is an application to Parliament and other advisory bodies, so they propose amendments, but no opportunity to oppose legislation.

By the passage of time after accepting the European Community Act of 1972, now UK is by status a state that holds and governs European Laws within their country. However there are two courts that belong to the legal national system, The European Court of First Instance and European Court of Justice. The Council of the European Union (which is the informal name "Board" or "Cabinet") is a body holding the executive and legislative powers, thus constituting the main decision making body ...
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