Exercise Physiology

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Exercise Physiology

Exercise Physiology


Exercise physiology is the study to determine how the body system responds in structure and function to persistent physical activity and acute exercise stress. Exercise varies from running, swimming, cycling, dancing and weight training. Exercise physiology is used to increase the energy expenditure of a person in his physical activity.

In this study we will use the case of cycling for our research. According to exercise physiologists cycling success depends upon efficient technique and maximum use of resources (Forester, 1993). The resources in the case of cyclists are his muscles and internal body system, which include brain cells, blood circulation and quick reflexes.

The best training for cyclists to improve their efficiency is to ride bicycle as much as possible, but this will not challenge the maximum capacity of his body. In order to achieve his maximum output a cyclist must exercise the body parts mentioned hereafter. Anaerobic fibers, aerobic fibers, Unconscious coordination, Circulatory system, Conscious skill, digestion and fat conversion (Ertl, n.d.).

Running is something which targets the similar set of muscles which are targeted while cycling, therefore when a professional cyclist endure a training program they incorporate running 5 - 10 km in open. The common muscles in these exercises are the gluteus maximus, gluteus minimus, gluteus medius, hamstring, knee flexion, quadriceps, calves, gastrocnemius and soleus.

Research Question and Hypothesis

The question of research in this case is “Running at Greyhound's pace improves your cycling skill?” The hypothesis which is considered while making the theory of the paper is that if an athlete runs at the pace of a Greyhound will increase his energy expenditure to a higher percentage than running freely at your normal pace.



The selection of Greyhound as a training dog has been finalized after a detailed research upon the characteristics of multiple dogs, which include German shepherd, German Pinscher, Ibizan Hound and Collie. The characteristics which are considered while its selection is his height, weight, pace and ability to train.

The experiment will require 5 trained male Greyhound dogs. Greyhounds are approximately 28 - 30 inches tall. They weigh from 65 to 80 pounds. The life expectancy of a Greyhound is 10 - 12 years; therefore, our participants will be 5 - 7 years old. Greyhound is the fastest dog that has an average pace of 30mph and the maximum pace of 45mph.

The weight of Greyhound is 65 - 80 pounds therefore their weights will neither dominate the pace of the human athlete nor it will be significantly suppressed by the weight and pace of the human athlete. It pace will be reduced due to the drag force exerted but the human mass thus making the pace optimal for human athlete to run at a pace higher than an ordinary human pace but not at an impossible pace of 30mph for humans.


The experiment will incorporate 10 cyclists of state level. While selecting the athletes it will be assured that all lie in the same age group of 22 - 29 years old, which is considered ...
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