Explain What Is Meant By The Feminization Of Poverty?

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Explain what is meant by the feminization of poverty?

The feminization of poverty is the term given to a phenomenon in which women experience poverty at much higher levels than men. This trend is not confined to the U.S., but the United States lags behind other industrialized countries to use social policies to combat the tendency for women and their children, to find him in the ranks of the poor.

With the advent of the term "feminization of poverty", the researchers noted that women are strong and consistently large proportion of poverty than men. However, in her seminal essay introducing the concept, Diana Pearce, announced that the feminization of poverty presented a fundamental paradox.Although the 1960's and 1970's were characterized by the liberation movement of women, promotion of the remarkable achievements in the field of gender equality, affirmative action, and greater participation in the paid labor force, this era also represented the time in which poverty has been defined as "women's issue(Pearce, 28).

According to Bianchi, the appearance of the feminization of poverty was a direct result of a major shift S in the nature of public life, which may in turn comprise the "juvenilization of poverty" as well. Increased nonmarriage among women, especially those who were young, is not limited to potential income families, but also complex legal aspects of child support. The appearance and acceptability of divorce and increased life expectancy among women further development of gender-poverty, while social programs and income redistribution is intended to lift people out of poverty were less effective in achieving this goal for women than for men. However, throughout modern history, two other trends have improved markedly among women of poverty than men.

First, the increase in the proportion of women in the paid labor force combined with reduced gaps in pay, cutting edge women in the ...
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