Fascism, Nazism, Communism

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Fascism, Nazism, Communism

Fascism, Nazism, Communism

How much were the products of our main driving forces of industrialization, science, democratization, and Enlightenment thought, and how much were the departures from those forces?

All the above are actually ideologies brought to life by the “Enlightenment." It is best to begin with standard definitions.


the aadoption aof aindustrial amethods aof aproduction aand amanufacturing aby aa acountry aor agroup, awith aall athe aassociated achanges ain alifestyle, atransport, aand aother aaspects aof asociety. a aIndustrialization of industrial society is a type of organization of human labor capacity and society based on systems of machines operating on the basis of mechanical motion or electro -mechanical principles. Industrial production is distinct from hand labor (handicraft) or manufacture as the predominate mode of producing. Two basic junctures are pinpointed as signpost in the development of industrial society: the steam engine and the internal combustion engine. The asteam aengine, afactories aand aocean-going aships aopened aup athe aera aof aindustrial aproduction. The machine was a revolutionary force that transformed society.


The astudy aof athe aphysical aworld aand aits amanifestations, aespecially aby ausing asystematic aobservation aand aexperiment aScience or the scientific method is the study and understanding of the law system peculiar to that which is under investigation. As industrialization develops - evolves, machine technique opens up a wide field for the utilization of science in the process of production and for making labor more creative and machines more intelligent. Some call the rise of computers - the semi-conductor, the coming of the Second Industrial Revolution.


Give government control to acitizenry: ato aput aa acountry aunder athe acontrol aof aits acitizens aby aallowing athem ato aparticipate ain agovernment aor adecision-making aprocesses ain aa afree aand aequal away a.Democracy exists and becomes sensible in comparison to hereditary rule; rule by birth right or the political system of monarchy. Democracy is a society organization of engaging citizens - the individual, in self governing through the use of government institutions, stabilized by the state or the organization of military and police power. In any society with economic classes democracy expresses and implements the political will and interest of the ruling economic class. In American society the dominant class is the capitalist class expressing the power and will of corporations, banks and financial institutions. Through different phases of our history democracy and democratic forms of society life have changed. For instance at the earliest period only white males with property - primarily slave property, could take part in democratic rule at the highest reaches of government. Democracy is a form of class rule.



The aAge aof aEnlightenment, aor asimply aThe aEnlightenment, ais aa aterm aused ato adescribe aa atime ain aWestern aphilosophy aand acultural alife acentered aupon athe aeighteenth acentury, ain awhich areason awas aadvocated aas athe aprimary asource aand alegitimacy afor aauthority. Industrialization or the transition from agricultural based life to machine society meant the growth of science as the human sought to apply the laws of mechanical motion towards the production of ...
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