Floods In Nigeria & Uk

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The Consequences of Flooding in Nigeria and United Kingdom

The Consequences of Flooding in Nigeria and United Kingdom


The occurrence natural hazard of flood is not in the control of the human beings. Every year, the floods take lives of millions of people around the world. The under developed and developing nations of the world are vulnerable to the destructive consequences of floods. The economic and social settings of the country determine its response to the floods and the natural disasters. The poor countries of the world such as Nigeria have higher level of death tolls and lose of property and lives than the developed nation of United Kingdom. The rehabilitation process in Nigeria is slow and sometimes comes to a halt due to the weak economic conditions of the country. On the other hand, the United Kingdom has taken several steps to prevent the losses that occur due to the floods in the country.


Floods contain a large amount of water that covers the dry land area of countries. The drastic overflow of the large amount of water does not get merged with the land that leads to hazardous conditions of the land. The floods are considered to be the severe natural hazard that is similar to the desertification and droughts and they occur as a result of the extreme events and conditions of water or hydrological run offs (Nwafor, 2006). Another concept regarding floods and the overflow of water to the land includes the damage and devastation that occurs as a result of high volume of water that occupies the stream mediums reaching the dry lands and the flood happens in a very short time. The uncertain conditions of the water and the volume of the water damage the social and economic settings of a country. The people and authorities get no time to prevent the hazardousness of flood because it occurs in a very short period of time (Abam, 2006).

The natural disasters especially the occurrence of flood brings several damages to the lives of people. The conditions become worst when there is a lack of rehabilitation and prevention facilities in a nation or a country. It has been observed through the news and current affairs information that the poor countries who are affected by the flood or any other natural disaster has to face worse consequences of the hazard than a developed or rich country. It can be due to the presence of fast rescue activities and the focus and consideration of authorities in the developed countries that pay attention and spend money on the rehabilitation of their people. On the other hand, the poor countries get worse off due to the lack of preventative measures and rehabilitation facilities in the country. The authorizes and government has a small amount of budget or there are some other reasons such as corruption that prevents them from spending money for the sake of the lives of their people. The occurrence of floods is not a recent ...
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