Florence Laura Goodenough

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Florence Laura Goodenough

Florence Laura Goodenough

Florence Laura Goodenough was a pioneer in psychology and the study of gifted children. Miss Goodenough was the first to support the life span development set about in Developmental Psychology. She revised under Leta Stetter-Hollingworth at Columbia University. She was born on August 6, 1886 in Honesdale, Pennsylvania. She was the least old of nine young children in ranch family (Stevens and Gardner 1982).

Florence graduated with a B.Pd. (Bachelor of Pedagogy) in 1908 from the Millersville, Pennsylvania Normal School. She acquired her B.S. from Columbia University in 1920. In 1921 she obtained her M.A. under Leta Hollingworth, furthermore at Columbia. During this time, she assisted as controller of study for the Rutherford and Perth Amboy, New Jersey public schools. This place today would be advised a school psychologist. It was in the public schools that Miss Goodenough did her first study studies. Her facts and numbers assembled was on children's drawings (Thompson 1990).

Starting in 1921, Miss Goodenough worked with Lewis Terman at Stanford University. Terman was evolving the Stanford-Binet I.Q. check for children. She took part investigations of gifted young children under Terman's direction. Florence Goodenough was even recorded as a supplier to his publication Genetic Studies of Genius, Terman 1925 (Thompson 1990). This was rather uncommon back then. Many graduate scholars would perform the trials, while the lecturer would get all of the credit. This occasionally occurs today. Goodenough was very fortunate that Terman accepted her hard work and devotion to the project.

In 1924, Goodenough relocated to Minneapolis, Minnesota to work in the Minneapolis Child Guidance Clinic. The next year she was nominated as an aide lecturer at the University of Minnesota. By 1931, she was encouraged to full professor. She held that place until her early retirement in 1947 (Harris 1959).

Goodenough's first publication was titled Measurement of Intelligence by Drawings (1925). Until this time, nonverbal I.Q. checks were reduced in validity and reliability, or too long to give. Florence came up with the Draw a Man Test for preschoolers, and subsequent, older children. Each progeny checked was inquired to draw a man. They were granted 10 minutes. The check was very dependable and valid. She evolved very firm criteria for ranking each drawing. It furthermore correlated well with in writing I.Q. tests. The Draw a Man Test was broadly utilised until the 1950s. Florence subsequent modified it, calling it the Draw a Woman Test. She had a sense of wit, and was habitually eager to identify her obvious errors or mistakes. She had obtained flack from women's and few assemblies for inquiring young children to only draw a man. Young young women may not recognise at all with a "man" (Goodenough 1926).

Miss Goodenough furthermore modified the Stanford-Binet to encompass lesser children. The outcome was the Minnesota Preschool Scale It had both verbal and nonverbal scores. She furthermore came up with time trying, which is revising a subject's demeanour for a certain time span of ...