Food Safety For People With Hiv/Aids.

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Professional Meeting Report

Food Safety for People with HIV/AIDS

Professional Meeting Report, Food Safety for People with HIV/AIDS


A total number of 547 persons listed to take part in the FoodAfrica initiative; these came from 51 nations from all continents. The most of participants were, although, from Africa and Europe. The International Working Meeting held 5 May - 9 May 2003 in Yaoundé had 137 participants. They came from 33 distinct nations, with the huge most from Africa. More then 100 allocations were made accessible for participants to join the worldwide meeting of which seven were from the Rockefeller Foundation. The major other donors were the European Commission and the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons.

The general objectives of FoodAfrica were to reconsider the present state of the art with esteem to study and development undertakings that sway food schemes in sub-Saharan Africa. An internet forum, former to the worldwide meeting (http// was held and considerations focussed round five foremost themes.

- Food, nutrition and health;

- Food security and value management;

- Impact of urbanisation on food systems;

- Agro-food enterprises: supplementing worth and meeting consumer demand; and

- Food security: get access to and quality.

At the worldwide employed gathering, the two topics “food safety” and “urbanisation” were combined. Summaries of the considerations on the topics are granted underneath along with some traverse chopping matters that came up in throughout the meeting.

Food, Health and Nutrition

Nutrition was advised by the International Working Meeting to be particularly significant for susceptible assemblies in African societies. Examples granted included; young children, the elderly, with child women and those who bear HIV/AIDS.

Local and indigenous foodstuffs in sub-Saharan Africa offer a promise asset that is actually underutilised. This is aggregated by the need of information. It was suggested that study on indigenous and customary processing procedures ...
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