Founding Fathers Of The Constitution

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Founding Fathers of the Constitution


The West Wing regularly features widespread conversation on the current political issues. Subsequent to the election of real world of Republican President George W. Bush in 2000, numerous people were wondering whether this liberal show can retain its significance. Nevertheless, exploration of many issues faced by Bush administration from the Democratic point of view, yet this show sustained it vast audiences both Republicans and Democrats.


Founding Fathers system worked

The Founding Fathers of the United States were lucky that their system worked because it consists of fairness and equality for every U.S. citizen. The new charter managed various issues that formed by the documents by forming a national scheme of government with very influential general management. It allowed the state government to introduce taxes, outline troops, and manage interstate business. It also formed an administrative branch and a centralized court system, which was absent in the documents of confederation. The main argument opposing the modern Constitution was that the state government given a lot of power. The framers addressed this argument by formulating a method of verifying and balancing making a scheme that had branches independently owning sovereign authority, and formulating a central system. In this system, authorities separated within the central government, and the general governments although with some authorities entrusted to the centralized government, few set aside to the states and some were contributing to both.

Can US System Work in Other Countries

The US system of democratic values and the political cultures could work in other countries, as these values and cultures are the basis, and the source of the authorization of powers that are fundamental to the United States. Therefore, any other country would still need the values and cultures to ensure good management of the country. In addition, Constitution is a written article and, therefore, this calls upon the people's compliance so that the article could be a success.

Systematic Protection and Safeguard

The protections and safeguards that the Founding Fathers used to prevent a future government breakdown is that they wanted to prevent a political scheme, that in whatever manner reflected the kingdom system then established in Britain, and for years, the presidency was not strong on adequate grounds. The Founding Fathers had faith that a population of the army which structured into a sound managed militia was an acceptable method of providing defense to the country, and protecting their independence.

Constitution day in the United ...
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