Functionalist Theory Of Sociology

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Functionalist Theory of Sociology

Functionalist Theory of Sociology


Fuctionalis perspective plays an important role in describing and defining different concepts, work processes and existence of different elements in a society. It explains the fact behind the existence of the society and different groups that are interdepednet on each other for effective operation of processes and is a natural process without any element of artificiality in it. Fuctionalist perspective or approach also referred to as functionalism suggests that each and every aspect of society is interdependent and is responsible for effective functioning of the society as a whole. There are different groups in the society and each one of these groups has an important role to play as it exists. Some important groups are Government or State which provide for the basic infrastructure of the society by providing education and security for the people and children. These people as their part of the bargain pay taxes that the state and government requires in order to run it. This ideology suggests that each of the three groups in this process that is family, children and government are interdependent. Family is dependent upon children that will grow up, educate themselves, and get good jobs in order to support the families. In this very process the children learn live by the laws and rules of the society, pay taxes and support the state. If everything remains stable and constant then society will naturally develop and produce order, stability and productivity. On the other hand if things become difficult as in situation of recession, then the society must adjust and recapture new order, stability and productivity. In a real life situation when recession hits the society, state and government come up with different programs to reduce inflation, unemployment increases, families are bound to cut down on their spending and schools offer fewer educational programs. All these reactions to the changing environment of society result in a new order (Cliffs Notes).


Functionalists are of the view point that the main reason behind the cohesion and effective functioning of the society is the social consensus and cohesion meaning that members of the society work together to achieve the best results for the society. According to Emile Durkheim societal social consensus has two forms that are Mechanical solidarity and Organic solidarity. Mechanical Solidarity arises when members of the society have common values and beliefs and work accordingly. Some of the common examples are that of traditional society in which people are involved in farming or herd cattle. Organic Solidarity on the other hand is a type of social cohesion which comes into being when people of the society have different values and beliefs and work in different types of work activities and still are interdependent. Complex, industrialized society is a true example as represented by different American cities. Robert Merton also came up with approaches with regards to functionalism which suggests that human behavior can be divided into two functions that are Manifest Function and Latent ...
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