Future Direction Of Health Care

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Future Direction of Health Care

Future Direction of Health Care


Maintaining the health of a person or a group was a concern in the civilizations earlier and it still is a concern in modern world. Health is the basis for well being. Being healthy is referred to be as sound body and mind, to be whole and be incorporated. As the time passes by, across society the researchers have given an emphasis on health consisting of being centered due to balance. The health care future direction has begun to make dramatic changes in the previous years. There are many challenges which define the strategic directions of the health care.

Information technology advancement

One major challenge that is becoming very common today are the I.T advancements including the electronic medical and health records such as (HER/EMR).The most complicated task is to avoid future penalties and get the advantage from the Medicaid and Medicare electronic health record incentive. It mainly seeks to improve the quality of health care at the point of care, the electronic capture of data should be standardized such as clinical results and orders and patients demographics, patients self management tools and decision of clinical support shall be used to improve the safety, quality and efficiency of treatment. EMR's are thought to lower the cost of health due to decrease in improved quality of health care, malpractice suits and duplicate test. To adapt the incorporation of EMR and other information technology, organizations needs to offer training for employees, and standards of privacy (such as these records will be accessed by whom and where the paper files will be stored).Very soon the records in paper will vanish away and the Medicare and Medicaid incentives will be used to make some organizations switch sooner. There are millions of Americans who are without adequate health care ...
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