Gas Emissions Laws

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Gas Emissions Laws

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Laws for Cars and Light Trucks -Motor Vehicle Standards for Global Warming Emissions

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Laws for Cars and Light Trucks -Motor Vehicle Standards for Global



The world is facing numerous and significant environmental problems. These phenomena are occurring motivated by tax impacts of a dynamic planet and are crossing the effects of models of conflict, poverty and disease. We can start by using energy sources that come from wind, solar and geothermal energy known as renewable energy sources. We can also petition our mayors to sign Climate Protection Agreements, thus agreeing to reduce global warming; emissions in our communities. Global warming is an urgent matter that is effecting, and will continue to affect everyone, and everything on earth, this is one of the biggest threats that our world is facing today (Timothy, 2007).

United States is considered to be the largest contributor to the emissions of greenhouse gases, because of the automobiles and vehicles. These vehicles are not only contributing to the emissions of carbon monoxide but also polluting the air and adding up air toxins. One of the solutions to limiting and restricting the emissions from automobiles, the need for alternative fuels occurs. The online degradation of environment can be avoided with the help of such initiatives. The main reason for these huge emissions from the vehicles is the petroleum fuel based associated with them, like diesel and gasoline fuel cars. Such kind of fuel burns inefficiently and adds to the pollution of the environment through evaporation and combustion of fuel. Air toxins, particulate matter, hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides and carbon monoxide are the pollutants produced as a result of fuel combustion. The air toxins and the pollutants that are emitted from the vehicles are associated with serious environmental and health issues like cancer. In addition, the other emitted gases are known as the green house gases and have been significantly contributing to the climate change on global level. The carbon dioxide is also linked to the global warming and potential environment and health effects. Acid rains and smog are results of nitrogen oxides emissions from the vehicles. Carbon monoxide is often termed as a poisonous gas. On average, 550 gallons of gasoline are used in the passenger car on average per annum, it produces nitrogen oxide (41 pounds), hydrocarbons (80 pounds), carbon monoxide (606 pounds) and carbon dioxide (10,000 pounds). The alternative sources of fuels will help in the mitigation of these pollutants out of the atmosphere and our environment (Smith, 2004).



Greenhouse gas emissions come mainly from water vapor, that is to say, naturally. Under these conditions, the consequences of short duration, do not cause serious items on the contrary, certain gases like CO2, methane, halocarbons, or represent significant risks to global warming. Human activities are clearly the source of these environmental changes. Greenhouse gases lead to a reduction in returned energy (the energy upward must equal the incident energy), and thus to changes in ...
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