Global Warming

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Is Global Warming Natural Or Man Made?

Is Global Warming Natural Or Man Made?


It is said that global warming is a natural process that has nothing to do with Man this is only halfway true. In climatology, Global Warming is the term used to indicate, in reference to the climatic history of Earth, the phases of increase in average temperature of Earth's atmosphere and oceans due to natural causes (solar cycles, movements of the Earth, variations in atmospheric gases).

The term is now used as a synonym for global warming that indicates the contribution as decisive to anthropogenic warming of the Earth's climate over the last 100 years. The two expressions used and covered within the broader theme on climate change, which itself includes the steps of global cooling such as the ice ages, and changes in the regimes of precipitation (Solomon 2009, pp. 6).

Natural and Artificial Global Warming

Some gases are known as “greenhouse gases” because they have the ability to catch the sun, without bouncing back into space. In an optimal concentration, these gases allow the Earth to support the support the life. The “greenhouse effect” is a phenomenon without which life on earth could not exist. This process consists of a global warming effect of the so-called greenhouse gases, compounds present in air at relatively low concentrations (carbon dioxide, water vapour, methane, etc.) The greenhouse gases that cause solar radiation to pass through the atmosphere, while hindering the passage towards the area of the infrared radiation from Earth's surface and lower atmosphere.

The role of the atmosphere is very precise 15oC trap sunlight to maintain the balance of life. There are only three things you can do in this temperature range: the burning of fossil fuels, destruction of forests that absorb CO2 and increase human population (Ledley 2010, pp. 47). The third, obviously, leads to increase in the first two, and the vicious circle.

While it is true that the planet has its own cycles of warming and cooling, it is a lie that Man has nothing to do with the current situation of global warming. If this notion of man's innocence is to be believed then, it is enough to go kill people because death is a natural cycle. There are realities: power plants based on coal produced 2500 million tons of carbon dioxide a year. Cars generate another 1500 million. Just imagine 4 billion tons of gas has ...
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