Group Behavior

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Group behavior

Group behavior


Man as a social being, is surrounded and entered in various types of groups (family, work, leisure, educational, religious) in which it participates, contributes and seeks recognition as a person. These are the groups that enable the completion of the skills and talents of potential. It is within that group members can share their feelings, their affectivity live, learn, influence and be influenced. For these reasons there has always been and will be the genuine interest of the "technical" in researching and unraveling the group phenomena in society and organizations. The targets of interest are centered primarily in three significant and essential components: interpersonal relationships, the task and the link between interpersonal / task.


The effective performance between task and interpersonal relationships is determined by what Kurt Lewin called field forces - which are the driving forces that operate in groups favoring its higher productivity and restrictive generating stagnation or low productivity. The correct analysis and intervention in this field forces, enable the processes of change and development group, resulting in improved socio emotional climate and self-esteem groups (Tu¨rmer & Snyder, 2010).

The role of the coordinator becomes then essential as its way of action entail substantially in construction group and consequent results for organizations. The coordinator becomes the thread and responsible for the quantity and quality of interactions and should act in three cases.

In the process of research groups some factors must be considered a priori - How was the group formed? What are your goals? Who are the members? What are the main characteristics of the group? What is the dynamic (operating) current group? The theoretical contribution of some of the moments in the diagnosis and group movements allows the proper interpretation of the group context. Among them we can mention: Pichon Rivière, Bion, Kurt Lewin, ...
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