Group Dynamics

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Group Dynamics

Group Dynamics

Group Dynamics


Human Interaction is a complex process to understand. And it becomes further complex when the interaction takes place between people belonging to the same group. Work groups consist of people working together who are trying to make their living. It is often the primary source of social identity for people. The nature of group can affect the performance of people at work as well as their relationship outside the organization.

Groups Defined:

Groups can be defined in terms of perception, motivation, organization, interdependencies and interactions. In terms of interaction it can be defined as two or more persons who interact with one another such that each person influences and is influenced by each other person. The concept of interaction is essential to this definition. Two people who are physically together don't form a group unless they interact with each other. Coworkers may work side by side on related tasks, but if they don't interact they are not a group. The presence of others may influence the performance of a group, but they don't become the part of the group unless interaction occurs (Yang 2004).

Groups often have goals, but the definition in terms of interaction doesn't state that members must share a common goal or motivation. A person can be part of a group and enjoy the benefits of membership without wanting to pursue any group goal. But the quality of interactions and performance may be affected by members' lack of interest in group goal.

This definition in terms of interaction also puts a restriction on the size of a group. A large collection of people who are not able interact with each other won't form a group according to this definition. The dynamics of large collection of people differ significantly from those of small groups. The focus of this report is small groups in which the members interact with and influences one another (Shah 1993).

The Importance of Studying Groups

To understand organization behavior we must study the behavior of people in group settings. Groups are present in our society in several forms: family, bowling team, church group, fraternity, work group at office etc. Some of these groups are formally established in work or social organization and some are more loosely knit association of people.

To understand the behavior of people in organizations, we must understand the forces that affect individuals and also how individuals affect the organization. The behavior of an individual affects and is also affected by the group, which he is a part of. The accomplishments of groups are strongly affected by the behavior of individual members.

From the perspective of a manager, work group is the primary means by which managers coordinate individuals' behavior to meet the organization goals. Managers must be aware of individual needs and interpersonal dynamics to manage groups effectively (Robbins 2007).

Stages of group development:

All groups develop through four stage processes which are as follows:

- Mutual acceptance

- Communication and decision making

- Motivation and productivity

- Control and organization

Mutual acceptance:

This stage is characterized by members sharing information ...
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