Hairdressing Services

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Manage Hairdressing Services and Sales Delivery

Manage Hairdressing Services and Sales Delivery

Activity 1.2

What is a policy and procedure manual?

Policy and procedure manual or staff handbook, is a book given to employees by an employer. Usually, the employee handbook contains information about company policies and procedures. In the UK it may also form part of an employee's terms and conditions of employment.

The employee handbook is an excellent place to bring together employment and job-related information which employees need to know, such as holiday arrangements, company rules and disciplinary and grievance procedures. It can also provide useful source of information to new staff as part of the induction process. A written employee handbook gives clear advice to employees and creates a culture where issues are dealt with fairly and consistently.

Name 3 things you can do to build you relationship with your clients and why?

1. Be Nice - I know it sounds pretty elementary but if you think about this for a minute it will make sense. How many people do you run across in a day that are crabby and in a sour mood? You don't want to interact with them nor be around them and certainly you don't want to do business with them. If you're having a bad day and can't seem to turn it around then don't interact with your clients, because one bad day can turn a client in the other direction or a potential client running to someone else. People don't like to do business with grumpy and irritable people!

2. Follow up - Most people today are so busy and don't have enough hours in the day, but you have to understand the importance of following up with both potential clients and also with your current clients. The simple act of following up will not only make you stand out from your competitors but will let your clients know that you do care about them. Successful follow up actions can simply include an email, handwritten letters, magazines, greeting cards, an invitation to an event, or a phone call. Remember people are what count, not just another sale or client to add to your list. Make them feel special and let them know you do care. Try picking up the phone today just to say "Hello"

3. Give of Yourself - Most people today think about what they can get from other people, how they can advance in their careers or grow their business. Let's turn this around and consider what you can give your clients and your network that will help them grow or help them solve a problem. Give from your heart, not expecting in return. Always approach relationships in a generous, giving, and positive manner.

What is a service appraisal questionnaire?

This is a questionnaire designed by several appraisal services companies in order to gather data about the relevant service.

How do you overcome service problems in the salon?

Demonstrate a positive attitude towards work and other people.

Have a clean neat appearance

Show a friendly and courteous attitude to each ...
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