Hazard Analysis Of Terrorist Groups

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Hazard Analysis of Terrorist Groups

Hazard Analysis of Terrorist Groups

Terrorist Group




Ansar al-Islam

2 - Likely

2 - Moderately High


Armed Islamic Group

3 - Likely

3 - Moderately


Abu Nidal

3 - Likely

3 - Moderately


Armed Islamic Group (GIA) Islamist militant group, its stated goal of "the overthrow of the secular government in Algeria and replaced system-Islamic "But some people accuse the Algerian intelligence founded by leading Qtoshi Ammar and Captain Jaafar, who had published data on behalf of the organization and distributed. Founded in 1989 (Akkerman, 2009, 74-86).

The group rejects the principle of dialogue with the Algerian government. Adopted armed violence since 1992, in reaction to the cancellation of the results of the first round of parliamentary elections in December 1991 in Algiers, has made ??the Islamic Salvation Front won a landslide victory (Sharma, 2009).

Based on the group's performance to the fatwa of Shaykh Abdul Haq Yaadh, the founder of the group excommunicated all the leaders of Algeria, without exception, everyone who works with them or did not even disagreed. Exercise activity is distributed between the assassination and bombing (Akkerman, 2009, 74-86).

Some analysts have accused the Algerian army to support the group to give legitimacy to the repressive means used at December 3, 1996, blew up in the Paris subway, killing 4 and wounding more than 80 (OREND, 2007).

Ansar al-Islam is Salafi group Kurdish Iraq calls for the application of the Islamic religion, the group was before the invasion of Iraq by coalition forces in 2003, controlled by a group of small towns and villages in northern Iraq near the mountain range that separates the borders of Iraq with Iran and was for the group differences ideological and armed conflicts with Alchristani National Union, led by the current Iraqi President Jalal Talabani (Bellamy, 2008, 601-625).

Ansar al-Islam group calculated on the current Islamic Salafi and adopts armed action, which is attributed to Islam and jihad (Walzer, 2009, 40-52). In early 2003, the group has taken the northern region of Iraq and bordering the Iranian camps and training centers. Is named in a report by the U.S. State Department on terrorism in the April 27, 2005 (Johnson, 2008).

When the coalition began a campaign to invade Iraq, the U.S. aircraft bombed strongholds of the party in northern Iraq and the military campaign against members of the party in conjunction with the fighters, the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) (National, 2009). Believed that the party responsible for a ...
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