Health Advocacy Campaign: (Ethical Considerations)

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Health Advocacy Campaign: (Ethical Considerations)

Health Advocacy Campaign: (Ethical Considerations)


Smoking is like looking for a fun, satisfaction or reduction of voltage, then by repeated use of a binding natural or synthetic substance is toxic to nervous system. Smoking affects the physical and mental condition of the person, as well as on their relationships with others (known or unknown), and with society in general. Thus addiction is framed by the law. There is no single definition of law. The notion of law refers to different concepts including the rule to follow. The expression most common law is the law. It looks like a general and impersonal applies to all. Its purpose is to regulate relations between individuals and between individual and society. The law represents a number of immutable values ??such as respect for life and the property of others. But the law is not static: it sets the state of thinking in society at a time given.

Ethical Dilemmas

This paper aims to address the ethical and social issues raised by smoking and stimulate public debate on these issues. We know that many competing ethical theories (rules or arguments used to assess whether an act is right or wrong in moral terms) can be utilized to arrive at an acceptable solution.

When people talk about these issues, they bring to the discussion of different value scales. In doing so, their experience, their culture and their spiritual or religious beliefs influence their perception of issues. Here are some examples of the types of arguments that are often put forward (it is only examples which are not intended to reflect all the arguments that could be invoked):

It should be further research on smoking because many people could benefit from this new technology.

Research should not be continued on smoking because it goes against well-established principles ...
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