Health Behavior: Models And Theories

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Health Behavior: Models and Theories

Health Behavior: Models and Theories

School Obesity Prevention Strategy

Given the role that made ??the school and its influence on children and girls, and as an institutional means more, we provide our collaboration with health institutions to prevent complications of obesity in childhood. So educate in Health (cross-cutting issue) as well as transmitting school knowledge, contributes to mental and personal development of children and girls, being the most valuable health and a right that all and all. The school offers an appropriate environment to prevent and treat obesity. Through the school, and through a multidisciplinary approach can influence eating behaviors and physical activity levels. From the school, and in the transverse axis Health Education, aim to promote and create healthy lifestyles through awareness to a healthy diet. And we propose the participation in this project the entire school community: faculty, students and family. Because they carry a key role in the acquisition of habits in children / as from small, I'll mark them help and guidance so that these habits are the healthiest possible. The school must be united and continued collaboration with the family and adapt to environment it is located, in our case away from the urban rural. Try adapting the diversity of life styles and habits in diet, exercise, etc. The variety of cultures that presents our school environment: children / young Spanish and immigrants. As the school plays an important role in the formation of child / to pretend to provide an adequate educational background and to do a proper quality of life. The intervention of the school will offer guidelines for preventing obesity child and is based on three pillars:

A healthy diet

Exercising moderately and regularly

Lifestyle habits assets (Shumaker et al, 2009).

Family obesity program

A U.S. study recently highlighted the benefits of making family ...
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