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Health promotion

Article 1) Master's degree in prime healthcare care learning - students' and preceptors' insights and knowledge of the alteration in the clinical areas.

Year of publication: 16 June 2010


     Many Western European countries are undergoing restructures with alterations in higher discovering as claimed by the Bologna affirmation for Higher European Education Area. In affirmation with these alterations, the Master's stage was offered in professional medical practitioner discovering in Sweden in 2007, and as an conclusion changed the curriculum and altered theoretical and clinical areas. The target of this study was to investigate students' and preceptors' insights and information of Master's degree discovering in major healthcare care with an objective on the clinical locality (Curry, 2004).


Methods utilised in item and nursing healthcare promotion

     A descriptive conceive and qualitative set about was used. Interviews with 10 scholars and 10 preceptors were offered two times, before and after the clinical present period. Interviews were audio-recorded, transcribed verbatim and topics formulated.



Results and proposal for healthcare promotion

     Students glimpsed alteration in the content of the discovering at the Master's degrees for demonstration more self-reliance and supplemented assignments. The preceptors glimpsed benefits with the Master's degree but were uncertain of how to change theoretical and abstract data into practice. Writing the Master's thesis was glimpsed by scholars to take time away from clinical practice. For some scholars and preceptors the content of the Master's degree clinical present locality was accomplished as vague and indistinct. The scholars had not foreseen supervision to be distinct from preceding information, while preceptors felt higher assertions and claimed more knowledge. Both scholars and preceptors glimpsed that discovering at the Master's degree might lead to a higher grade for the nurses' occupation in major healthcare care (Fischer, 2001).


Conclusions and Analysis of item in nursing education

     Students and preceptors accomplished both advantages and handicaps in relation to the change in professional medical practitioner discovering in major healthcare care at the Master's level. The altered informative content was accomplished as a step ahead, but they more over interrogated how the new data could be utilized in practice. The relevance of the Master's thesis was questioned. Supervision was glimpsed by scholars as an introduction to the work of the locality nurses' work. Preceptors glimpsed high assertions and did not appear adequate taught for scholar supervision. Both assemblies suggested it and advantage with the change in discovering that could conclusion in higher grade for medical practitioners engaged in major healthcare care.

Article 2) Pedagogy as Influencing Nursing Students' Essentialized Understanding of Culture

Year of publishment: 2010

Journal: International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship

Methods and their use in health promotion

In this qualitative study, investigators discovered how scholars appreciated “culture.” Participants characterized heritage and composed narratives considering exact heritage encounters. The experiment comprised both nursing (n=14) and non-nursing (n=8) scholars to permit for evaluation groups. Content investigation of the narratives disclosed two very broad paradigms of heritage understanding: essentialist and constructivist. Essentialist narratives comprised four themes: determinism (culture withstood one-by-one resistance); relativism (the likelihood of producing worth judgments ...
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