Health Studies In Canada

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Health studies in Canada


WHO has defined violence as any mean of aggressive behavior that can harm human beings, mentally or physically? This behavior is intentional in nature. The harm can even be caused to a group or a society. This may result in death. There are various forms of violence such as family violence, peer group violence, sexual Violence, community Violence. Moreover, gender and race Violence and Media Violence. Social inequality has a direct impact on the health care issues in society. Social inequality is that cultural dimension which divides the society in unequal social classes or social circles. It refers to a situation in which people in a society do not enjoy the equal social status. In fact, the social inequality directly affects the health of the people. Social inequality leads to political and domestic violence among the people. Studies show that there is a relationship between higher social class and better health care facilities.

According to a survey, 1.5 million deaths a year cases are recorder under all forms of violence out of which 90% exist in poor- and middle-income countries. To explain this further about 52% are due to suicide, 35.5% because of homicide, and over 12% consequent to other forms of conflict. There are numerous of non-fatal injuries every death due to violence. In 2008, over 16 million cases need medical attention of non-fatal violence-related. Beyond this violence, such as child maltreatment, intimate partner violence, and elder maltreatment are also highly prevalent. According to research, the aggressive behavior may be due to different causes, some of are inborn but most are learned from experiencing or witnessing violent behavior. Some other violence is because of bullying, rape Genetics, Brain injury Antisocial personality disorder, Alcohol and substance abuse, Desensitization, Learned helplessness and Social modeling. Research shows ...
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