Healthcare Organization Matrix

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Healthcare Organization Matrix

Healthcare Organization Matrix


The main purpose of this paper is to make an analysis on the theoretical change model. The paper is about the design of matrix of theoretical change models, and the type of healthcare change situation where model best applies.

Theoretical Model: Single-Payer System

Description of Theoretical Model

Single-payer system is the consolidation of the financial resources of the health of the underlying public health insurance and mandatory health insurance with a view of the single-channel funding estimates for health and pharmaceutical services provided by public health organizations (Buchanan, 2005). The functioning of single-payer system provides for the definition in the Republic of Kyrgyzskoy single health funding body to transfer his powers of management of basic public health insurance and mandatory health insurance. The program of state guarantees for the citizens in the Republic of Kyrgyzskoy health care (hereinafter - the program of state guarantees) - the guaranteed amount, type and terms of health care to citizens in the Republic (Grohar, 2003). The average cost of treated cases - the average settlement rate, which reflects the size of a basic health insurance, compulsory health insurance co-payment of the population allocated to each patient treated (Bloom, 2010).

Type of health care change situation where model best applies

The health sector and, in particular, the financing of health care, are a mirror of those political processes which took place in 2005 and impact on the performance of local budgets during the year, especially the financing of such articles as "drugs" and "food" (Grohar, 2003). Single-payer system will allow management and staff by the hospital to plan and maintain a system of cost and cost estimates (Buchanan, 2005). This is a benefit from it the opportunity to reinvest budgetary savings to current needs, reduce unnecessary costs for utilities, more efficient use of space and increase the salary of staff, the cost of medications and nutrition of patients. That is, to the head of the hospital system should be approached not just as a chief physician, but as a competent manager ", - said T. Oroskulov. This system is a very helpful system, and it has very positive practical implications (Buchanan, 2005). Thus, this model has very positive applications in the situations when there is a ny change in the health care.

Theoretical Model: Multipayer System

Description of Theoretical Model

This model is a very helpful and supportive model in the health care. This is a theoretical model that is meant to express the collaboration of the key holders of the mortgage. According to Scott P. Serota, this model is helpful and designed to bring improvements in the quality and value of the healthcare system (Buchanan, 2005). This theoretical model is important in bringing modernization in the administrative processes of health care. This model is very helpful in the time and resource savings, and it thus brings improvements in the consumer experiences (Bloom, 2010).

Type of health care change situation where model best applies

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