Healthy Grief

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Healthy Grief

Healthy Grief


Grief is an emotional suffering that an individual feels when he or she has lost someone or something special. The grief associated with death of someone is familiar to most of the people but there are many other kinds of grieves that an individual faces throughout his or her life. The losses can be defined in two different categories: tangible and in-tangible. The tangible loss is the one that is more easily recognizable as one can feel the absence of someone close to him or her after death like spouse, friend, child, parents etc. On the other hand an in-tangible loss is related to something that cannot be touched these are often related to an individual's social interactions.

According to Kübler-Ross model, which is also well known as The Five Stages of Grief is a theory that was introduced in her book (Death and Dying). Kübler-Ross's work has revolutionized the medical field on how to take Care of the patient's who are incurably ill. She has highlighted the fact that without experience no one can feel the intensity of pain.


The hypothesis in the five stages model of Kübler-Ross is based on the reactions to death, loss and illness that a person experiences during his or her life. The grieving process from that an individual faces can be shock and denial, despair and depression, intense concern and recovery. Grieving process is not same for everyone as the intensity of sorrow, pain or distress level is different in every person.

Stages of grief described

Denial and isolation: the denial allows us to deaden the pain with some unexpected news and impressive; can recover. It is a temporary defense and will soon be replaced by partial acceptance "we can not look at the sun all the time”.

Anger denial is replaced by anger, envy and resentment arise all why. It is a difficult phase to deal with for parents and all those around you; this is because anger is displaced in all directions, even unjustly. They often complain about everything, everything hurts them and is open to criticism. They can then respond with pain and tears, guilt or shame. The family and those around them should not take it personally this anger not to react accordingly with more anger, which will encourage hostile behavior of the bereaved.


The difficulty of facing the difficult reality, but the anger with people and with God comes ...
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