History- End Of Isolation In American Women

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History- End of Isolation in American Women

History- End of Isolation in American Women


Always from the old times, the American women had enjoyed a very restrictive lifestyle and usually lived in isolation in their domestic world. They were not entitled to any rights at all neither were they permitted to voice their opinions in the governance of their daily lives. Over the course of history a few important event occurred which helped create a path towards forging the modern world that is seen nowadays.

Thesis Statement

This paper shall present the historical event that have to the freedom of choice and opportunities for women in the American world.


Susan B. a woman accompanied by Elizabeth Cady Stanton (McGill, 2005) converged in the month of May in the year 1869 for the formation of National Women Suffrage Association. The main purpose for this Association of National Women Suffer age was securing the rights of the downtrodden and abused American women for voting through a transformation in the Constitution by the means of a Congressional Amendment. An amendment of the Federal Women Suffrage was written in 1878 by both these women and then forwarded to the congress. The amendment was approved in 1919 by the Senate as well as the House of Representative and the decision for the ratification was left to the states (Wheeler, 1995).

Henry Blackwell and Lucy Stone accompanied by many other individuals come together in the year 1869's November and created an association known as the American Women Suffrage Association. It had the same purpose as the National Women Suffrage Association. They were only dissimilar on the point that the second body in actuality utilized these approved amendments in all the constitutions of all of the states. The first law in regards to the Women's Suffrage was passed on the 10th of December, in ...
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