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Thesis Statement

One of the main questions that historians have asked about World War II and the Holocaust, therefore, even when they are faced with the persecution of Jews, Germans to ignore what was happening to the Jews in Germany? Although Jews were gradually deprived of their civil and human rights, deprived of their property, tortured and sent to concentration camps such as Dachau, the German people continued with their daily lives as if nothing had happened to friends and neighbors. One argument is that the process of persecution of the Jews is so subtle at first that it is barely noticed during the "final solution" was implemented it was too late to do anything. The second argument is that the German people knew and were involved in the activities of the Holocaust, and only after the war that German civilians have claimed they knew nothing. One of the main causes of the Holocaust has been institutionalized discrimination, which were circulated in Europe since the beginning of our era. This institutional anti-Semitism placed quotas on the number of Jews allowed to enter colleges and universities, the limited field, they can work, and limiting them from living in certain areas of European countries and in some countries they have been deprived of life there at all. (Crowe, p.1-78) This organization of anti-Semitism would have made it very easy to either ignore, or participation in atrocities against Jews and the attempt to blame the Jews themselves, when they lost the war. Brenner and Harshaw argue that it is complicity in the Holocaust made a new life in Germany is difficult, as "ordinary Germans" took over their homes and businesses, and all they once were. (Brenner, Michael, and Harsha, Barbara, p. 7-9) It is clear that regardless of the reasons why the average citizen in Germany has decided to ignore or participate in the persecution of Jews during the Holocaust, ignorance and complicity created one of the greatest tragedies and deaths during World War II.Discussion

One of the questions that the Holocaust History Project is often asked: why ordinary Germans' collaboration work with Hitler's genocide? When the historical record is considered, the crimes are so inhumane and scope is so broad that it is difficult for most people to understand how ordinary people could take part in the filming and the gas chambers and the deliberate starvation of so many human beings. In the history of the Holocaust project, we believe that Hitler and his henchmen built on the undercurrent of anti-Semitism is widespread in Germany and led his people, step by step, to the point where they could accept and commit genocide in the name of the Third Reich. Looking at how the Nazi way of underwater hate to exterminate the Jews, he must remember that we are not looking at a deliberate plan carefully designed by Hitler and his associates, but in the process, how it happened.

Anti-Semitism was widespread throughout Europe at the time Hitler came to ...
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