Homeland Security

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Homeland Security and Intelligence

Homeland Security and Intelligence


Homeland Security is tasked to defend the homeland from any interior and external threats of terrorism either by deterrence, avoidance, or pre-emption. It has been tasked to insure the safety and sovereignty of the homeland community, territory, and infrastructure. As the events of September 11, 2001 demonstrated, homeland security, as a notion, defense, or a security department did not exist. Thus, the Muslim extremist assembly Al-Qaeda, organized to incorporate a sleeper cell into the homeland and competently design how to use our own gear and infrastructures against us.

U.S. Intelligence Model

In U.S., the national security is started driving in official terms, national level planning for the first hand in the global plan of development, where you link to the armed forces missions, below, in the national development plan 1983-1988, it becomes your approach, which acquires the connotation of "tool to maintain the condition of freedom, peace and social justice." Later, in the national development plan 1989-1994, is more evolved up the concept, which is a same equilibrium conditions that outline security as an integral task in which they participate all state actors. Eighteen months later, the White House issued a national security program, in which great attention was paid to the possible development of weapons and conscription. In order to coordinate the development of a unified national security policy in intelligence activities and in matters of military, industrial and civilian mobilization called for the creation National Security Council, Central Intelligence Agency and the Department of National Defence resources.Finally, after a lengthy discussion about July 26, 1947 Truman signed the bill, and the National Security Act of 1947 under the number 253 came into force. In accordance with this law created the Department of Defense, National Security Council, Central Intelligence Agency, subordinate to the National Security Council, and management of resources of national defense. 

The National Security Council was to advise the President on all aspects of domestic, foreign and military policies relating to national security issues, in order to more effectively coordinate the activities of military departments and other government departments and agencies. Much of the work of the Council should be given to assessing the actual and potential military power of the country, the identification of crisis situations for the U.S., economic and psychological aspects of national security. Analyzing the ongoing United States foreign policy and coordinating the actions of government ministries and agencies dealing with national security, National Security Council was to give the President advice as it deems necessary, or those that require the president.

Department of Homeland Security in the United States or the Internal Security Agency (aka: DHS) is the federal Ministry of the Federal Government of the United States of America , its fundamental responsibilities to protect U.S. territory from terrorist attacks , as well as rapid response to natural disasters. While the U.S. Department of Defense specializes in the field of military operations and external security, the Department of Homeland Security concerned with the domain of civil "to protect the United States from ...
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