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The reasons behind homosexuality are still not very clear. Many psychologies and people in general are studying this issue and no one knows when we will find the exact reason.

History of Homosexuality

In 1860, writer Karl Maria Kertbeny first coined the term heterosexual and homosexual later invented as its opposite. The term entered the psychiatric lexicon in 1880 and 1890-s by Richard von Krafft-Ebing's acceptance of it in Psychopathia Sexualis (Mendelssohn 2003. 678-683). One prominent American physician had used the term to patients who will be invited to bisexual men today, and many American laypeople continued to use it in this way, along with a euphemism for "Nick", and in 1920. In psychiatric circles, however, this term has also been established in 1915, when Sigmund Freud used it in a revised edition of his' Three essays on the theory of sexuality as a synonym for "normal" sexuality, sexual desire is directed at members of the opposite sex (Reid 2001 with. 1-29). heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / transgender differences, how they were used by doctors and sexologists in the 20 century begins to weaken as doctors and sex experts share a growing awareness of the fluidity of human sexuality (Morgan Nerison 1993 with. 133 - 140).

Changes in the views of Homosexuality

Homosexuality is not a new problem and it has been around since the earliest times, however, people could not find a clear answer to the question of why homosexuals are homosexual. Homosexuality is not a disease, although it is treated as such. Homosexuality was convicted in modern day society, but is widely tolerated by the Greeks and Romans. If we look at the history of the Greeks, the Spartans and Romans among others, were great warriors, one of the reasons is that most of the soldiers were homosexuals and their ...
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