How Hackers And Hacking Evolved

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How Hackers and Hacking Evolved

How Hackers and Hacking Evolved


Throughout history, the world has seen many different types of threats. There once was a time when wars were fought using swords, then came ammunition, dynamite and the Atomic bomb. As time progressed and as the world embrace computer technology, we came face to face with a new form of wreaking havoc. If the medium is the message, in the digital age, the threat is called cyber terrorism. Until recently the military intelligence strategies guarded our national security by the means of land, sea and air. Today a fourth element has been dubbed just as vital; the Internet and computer systems security.

Cyber terrorism is not fought by muscular soldiers. It is not fought out in the open and rarely is anyone taken in as a prisoner of war. Soldiers in these battles could be literally anywhere in the world and using a few programs, an internet connection and a laptop computer, they can take down entire countries. These soldiers are called hackers. Hackers are not clearly defined and the term hacker is used today to describe a person who deals with considerable expertise in computers, usually a programmer or network specialist. Historically, hackers were, however, not just computer scientists, but people who were solely hobbyists or enthusiasts, keen to discover new possibilities of digital technology. As the possibilities were better understood, hobbyists gradually transformed into skilled tacticians and have even managed to get away with millions of dollars from fraudulent schemes, all in just few clicks.


Hacker Classification

Not all hackers are out to make a quick buck. Many hackers still live life according to the law, according to ethics and abide by the laws set by society. Then there are those that feel the life of crime and the promise of a quick buck too good an option to turn down and thus walk the path of crime. Finally, the third is a mixture of the two. Hackers are classified based on the following.

White Hats 

Using their knowledge both within the law and within the hacker ethics, these professionals are always on the look out for a potential target. They work day and night in order to protect innocents from being exploited by their equally qualified counter parts. They build our digital security systems and keep an eye out for new viruses.

Black Hats

These individuals are the direct opposite of white hats. Their sole purpose is to lie, cheat and fool the innocent just for a little money. They torment corporations, organizations and even the government by continually hacking into their systems and shutting them down. They act with criminal intent and intend to damage the target system or steal crucial information.

Grey Hats

These individuals are mixtures of the two above. They may violate laws as per restrictive interpretations of the hacker ethic, however, only to reach a higher goal. For example, they specifically hack into an organization as a means to only highlight their security flaws, thus making sure someone with worse intent does not manage to do ...
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