How It Is Wrong To Use Animals For Research

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How It Is Wrong To Use Animals for Research


Traditionally, humans were believed to be created in the image of God and to have dominance over animals. This ideology stems from the bible and the belief that a greater value is put on the lives of humans than to those of animals. This submission shall explore the problems that stem from these beliefs, such as invasive techniques and the sacrifice of animals in psychological research. Bowd and Shapiro (1993) defined invasiveness as, to not only cause physical but also emotional harm to animals. Initially this paper will acknowledge some of the beliefs that have been made in this area of science. It will also examine the guidelines and regulations in place to protect these animals. Second, the article shall highlight problems that arise from laboratory practices and argue that animals should not be used in invasive laboratory practices and psychological research. This is in line with animal rights goals and supports the idea that mankind must seek other alternatives. In conclusion, the submission will highlight the ethical reasons for stopping this type of experiment and demonstrate that these reasons far outweigh the benefits.


There is considerable evidence to suggest that invasive laboratory techniques greatly benefit humans and animals alike (Baldwin, 1993). These benefits are the development of vaccines for deadly diseases such as rabies, Lyme disease, and feline leukaemia, which can be seen as substantial benefits (Baldwin, 1993). Further, psychological research with animals has provided information leading to rehabilitation for many kinds of human ailments such as stroke, spinal cord injury and Alzheimer's disease. Retarded children have also benefited from this field of research. Behavioural research with nonhuman primates permits the investigation of complex behaviours such as social organization, aggression, learning and memory, communication, growth and development (Baldwin, 1993).

Mice are commonly used in psychological research because of their complex behaviours. Some of the experiments on mice include overcrowding them in a cage and to study the effects that overcrowding on humans may have. Mice have also been used in experiments to see if heredity traits can be applied to genetic factors. Different strains of mice are caged together to see how they react to different stimuli and experiences. Primates are also used within psychological research due to their behaviours being very similar to humans. Chimpanzees for example have been involved in experiments such as insight into problems. They would be presented with a problem that had a solution and where then observed as to how they would solve these problems. This experiment was conducted to study sudden insight into problem solutions (Morris & Maisto, 2001).

There are strict guidelines that control the treatment of animals in invasive laboratory techniques. Psychologists using animals in research must ensure that "Appropriate consideration of (the animal's) comfort, health and humane treatment"(p.38).

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